Castle Of Magic (Hands-On) (Nintendo DS) Preview

By Mike Mason 19.09.2009

Review for Castle Of Magic (Hands-On) on Nintendo DS

Wizzy the wizard originally appeared in an iPhone game, but now Castle Of Magic is coming to DSiWare in enhanced form. It takes advantage of the DSi camera to deliver a few surprises to a well-constructed platformer.

Castle Of Magic does not do much to break the platform genre's mould. What the developers have done, though, is delivered a fun and tight platform game that fits in perfectly with Nintendo's line up. With just three worlds - spanning standard themes such as pirate-based water levels - it is clearly pitched as a bite-sized download-only title. Visually it appears to take inspiration from some of Nintendo's own DS platform games, such as the Starfy series that is co-developed with TOSE, and borrows animal-transforming mechanics from the same game.

As a platform fan, I enjoyed my time with Castle Of Magic. It's a cartoon platformer that's well put together, includes standard elements like jumping on enemies' heads to take them out and from the looks of screenshots there are some big evil boss monsters hanging around too, though I never faced any while I played; probably because I was selecting levels at random from the different worlds. What is great to see, though, is the way in which Gameloft have put some thought into how the game could be adapted rather than just throwing it onto DSiWare without consideration.

Final Thoughts

Castle Of Magic hits DSiWare very, very soon. It looks like it's going to be a short title, but it's fun, well put together and the little extra in the camera support could give it some replayability as a stress reliever and outlet to destroy those who annoy you.






2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (2 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   


Thoroughly enjoyed this. It was one of those games I saw in passing and thought 'Hmm...', but since it was right near the entrance, where I had to wait for your good self Mike, I ended up giving it a good going over. It's a pretty damn fun platform romp, that's for sure! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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