Shadow The Hedgehog (GameCube) Preview

By Cubed3 Team 15.01.2006

At E3 2005 there was a surprise for Sonic fans in Sega's games line-up as Sonic Team's latest project was unveiled. The clip reel for Shadow the Hedgehog, starring Sonic's evil arch-nemesis, was light on detail at E3, but now as more information is emerging we have a chance to see past the frankly god-awful demo movie and get a feel for what the game might actually be like. However, looking at Shadow now it's still the same two things which still scream problems

You'll be pleased to hear, then, that Shadow the Hedgehog has the famous golden rings. While you cling to that piece of information like a life boat, I should also tell you that despite the absence of the Hedgehog himself, Shadow is of the famously fast and acrobatic Erinaceinae subfamily, and as such he still runs at improbable speeds around an improbable course destroying improbable enemies in improbable ways that's probably quite familiar to you. The running, jumping, dashing, smashing, swinging and rolling all seems to be present and correct. Indeed, on some of the trailer clips you could almost think it was a Sonic game, were it not for the lack of a flash of blue.

Screenshot for Shadow The Hedgehog on GameCube

Good news, then, for old fans. Controls for all this malarkey can be assumed to be fairly similar to previous 3D Sonic outings

Screenshot for Shadow The Hedgehog on GameCube

The other major new power that Shadow has over Sonic is the ability to use vehicles. Again, whether this ability is down to Shadow's genetic engineering or just because he's evil enough to steal the vehicles in the first place isn't made clear, but this idea is more exciting than the prospect of guns. If Sonic Team can do anything, they can do speed, so 150Mph chases through those kinds of routes sound like great set-pieces. As well as cars there are other vehicles such as mechs. Dr Eggman's end-of-level machines from the early Sonic games could be infuriating like explaining relativity to a reality TV star would be infuriating, so being in the driving seat of one is like a revenge fantasy.
Speaking of Dr Eggman, where is he this time around? In any traditional Sonic game we would assume that Dr Eggman is doing nasty things, and Sonic must collect the Chaos Emeralds to stop him. To be fair, story has never been a Sonic hallmark. This time, however, Sonic Team has played with the formula yet again. Not for Shadow, the old good vs. evil, superpower vs. underdog, perseverance vs. adversity story. Instead Sonic Team decides to paint us a story of a three-way battle

Screenshot for Shadow The Hedgehog on GameCube

This story sets Shadow the Hedgehog up for what could be either the best idea or the biggest waste of the game. Sega have decided to grant Shadow a conscience, through which he either becomes good or evil. If you kill a lot of Black Doom troops, you become more and more good; do the same to G.U.N. troops and Shadow will become evil. This feature is shared by games that seem a world away from Shadow the Hedgehog like Fable, The Elder Scrolls and Black & White, and has some possibilities that would take Shadow above and beyond your average 3D platform game. Multiple storylines, AI that's affected by reputation, deceiving your way into certain areas

Screenshot for Shadow The Hedgehog on GameCube

Final Thoughts

So then, it all just depends on some of the other features in the game. A lot of them sound great, but will they be used properly, or will they just feel like they've been tacked-on unnecessarily to an otherwise perfectly good Sonic game? The vehicles sound like they could be great fun, but they could just end up as stale feeling on-rails time trials. The gun could usher in an exciting, alternative way to fight, sliding along rails and shooting at an enemy, but it could be a clunky, slow to use, interfering, shoot the switch to open the door affair. It probably won't be as bad as all that, especially not in Sonic Team's hands, but it's not a sure thing just yet.

Shadow the Hedgehog is slated for release on the 25th of November in the UK and Australia and the 14th of November in the USA.


Sonic Team




3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (5 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   




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