According to the trademark for Eternal Darkness, Nintendo has act on ownership of the name within 36 months.
Trademark sleuths have spotted an addition to the Eternal Darkness trademark currently held by Nintendo.
The team behind Shadow of the Eternals have recently posted a video playthrough focusing on the technical aspects of CryENGINE3.
Denis Dyack, chief creative officer at Precursor Games, recently took to YouTube to answer concerns raised by backers.
Cubed3 spoke to Shawn Jackson, chief operating officer at Precursor Games, on Shadow of the Eternals, Eternal Darkness and Wii U.
Want to play the original GameCube classic Eternal Darkness? It could certainly be possible with interest from Precursor.
The spiritual successor to Eternal Darkness, an episodic project lead by Denis Dyack, has been announced today.
Nintendo has teased fans of Eternal Darkness by once again extending the game's trademark in the US.
Earlier this week unconfirmed reports suggested Silicon Knight's collaboration with Nintendo had ended, but the studio dispute this.
Fan favourite GameCube game Eternal Darkness may have gotten a sequel, according to recent rumours.
After a major cut to staff, Silicon Knights state they're planning on refocusing on a much requested title.
Eternal Darkness developer Silicon Knights recently received a government grant for $2 million for expansion and development.
Silicon Knights' much loved psycologicial GameCube hit, Eternal Darkness, might be seeing a sequel or a possible port to Wii.
The creators of Eternal Darkness and MGS: Twin Snakes, Silicon Knights, are working on a new IP according to reports.
A recent rumour has suggested that Factor 5 are still developing, and Silicon Knights are working on a Wii title.