New Information on Sonic Unleashed Wii

By Shane Jury 29.04.2008 11

Via Play Magazine, some new snippets of Sonic Unleashed info has emerged, including news that Sonic Rush developers Dimps are involved!

A summary of the finer details regarding the Wii title, through kombo, is below;

- split of 3d to 3d side-scrolling action is about 50/50

- hub areas for story return once again

- Wii version is not using the same engine as PS3/360, but the team is working hard to duplicate the look as closely as possible

- mix of speed and platforming

- Wii version is different in stage design and controls

- coding and stages for Wii version is being handled by Dimps, who was responsible for Sonic Rush/Sonic Rush Adventure

- Tomoya Ohtani from Sonic Rush will be the sound director.

Does this raise your interest for the title? Have your say below.

Box art for Sonic Unleashed

Sonic Team




3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (27 Votes)

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Hmmm... This makes me a little more accepting of this 3-D Sonic game compared to the last one's.

Dunno about you guys, but this is one hell of a boost to my confidence on this title. If anyone can get Sonic in 2D/3D right (as has been proven with Sonic Rush) then it's Dimps.Smilie

Great news! Dimps are fantastic, hopefully they'll really make the Wii differences stand out from the (assuming) identical Xbox 360/PS3 versions.

Can't wait!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

i hope they do the controls right and not somthing silly like this for running

" - Tomoya Ohtani from Sonic Rush will be the sound director."

Best news EVER.
Sonic rush had utterly fantastic music. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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- Wii version is not using the same engine as PS3/360, but the team is working hard to duplicate the look as closely as possible

I did hope so. Maybe they achieve something good graphicswise. If using the same engine, then graphics on Wii would be utterly devastating!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Tomoya Ohtani from Sonic Rush will be the sound director.

Damn. Yes, I'll probably be hated upon for saying this, but I though Sonic Rush had some of the weakest music of the series.

Although as long as Crush 40 is around I can't really complain.

"All Hail Shadow"

Lord of Darkness
Brawl FC: 1160 9412 7621

I still think the PS2 version will be the same as the Wii version *cries*

EDIT: I think Crush 40 are kind of out of the loop now. Also Jun Senoue doesn\'t really compose anymore. Crush 40 are worthless without Senoue, because their versions of His World and Seven Rings in Hand weren\'t nearly as good as their other stuff.

( Edited 29.04.2008 23:28 by SuperLink )

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SuperLink said:
EDIT: I think Crush 40 are kind of out of the loop now. Also Jun Senoue doesn't really compose anymore. Crush 40 are worthless without Senoue, because their versions of His World and Seven Rings in Hand weren't nearly as good as their other stuff.

I agree about seven rings in hand. however, His World happens to be my favorite song by crush 40.

I will miss Senoue, though. Smilie

Lord of Darkness
Brawl FC: 1160 9412 7621

Does this raise your interest for the title?

YES YAH for Dimps SmilieSmilieSmilie

( Edited 30.04.2008 20:52 by iangennery )

If you ask me, Never Turn Back (Credits song on Shadow The Hedgehog) is Crush 40's best. The game isn't so great but Crush 40 + Jun Senoue are as awesome as ever.

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