Media | Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike

By James Temperton 10.08.2003 1

Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike
Super shots of space adventure!

The Lowdown
Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike is the follow up to Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader, the best selling third-party title for GameCube upon initial release in 2001.

Designed and developed by Factor 5 in conjunction with LucasArts, Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike features stunning, movie-like visuals, immersing players into an intense action-arcade experience. Players are drawn into the classic Star Wars Trilogy through more than 13 action-packed missions that encompass branching paths in flight combat, and ground-based character or vehicle conflict. For example, players can fly a combat mission over the dense forest landscape of Yavin 4 before landing to engage Imperial Stormtroopers in ground battle. Upon defeating the enemy, players then return to an X-wing and take flight against TIE fighters in adrenaline-inducing dogfights.

"With Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike, LucasArts expands the award winning flight action franchise with multiplayer support and character-based combat, offering the widest variety of gameplay yet," says Marcella Churchill, senior marketing manager at LucasArts. "This latest game in the popular Star Wars Rogue Squadron series is highlighted by stunning, cinematic-like visuals, tight controls, and dramatically engaging storylines that immerse players into the most memorable characters, vehicles, and battles of the epic Star Wars saga."

Aerial and land-based conflicts in Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike take place in a variety of craft such as the legendary X-wing, Millennium Falcon, Snowspeeder, Imperial speeder bike, and AT-ST. Players also can carry out covert ground or air-based operations as Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles or Han Solo. Battle skills will be tested within extraordinarily detailed environments, such as the vast forests of Endor; Hoth's foreboding, frozen world; Bespin's gaseous Cloud City; and dangerous space meteor fields.

Multiplayer modes encompass co-op endurance, capture-the-base, challenging dogfights and more. In addition, the entire Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader game is available for play in cooperative multiplayer mode. The game also features a comprehensive reward system allowing players to unlock numerous bonus features including extra missions, vehicles, and locations.

The Latest
So now we come to the latest shots of the game [they would be the top eighteen in the album] and things are looking even better. As you can see the sense of scale is superb from the biggest machine to the smallest snowflake everything is perfectly animated and looks to be taking graphical levels on the GameCube to a whole new level of excellence. With numerous special effects on display and the promise of even more environments to play about on we are looking forward to this one very much indeed.


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