SEGA: well drown you in hedgehogs and Freeloader news....

By James Temperton 31.01.2003 1

Sonic Adventure DX, sadly, is a remake of the Dreamcast classic, Sonic Adventure. Not just a port of course, it comes to us with improved graphics, sounds and the ability to link up with the GBA.

Secondly, Sonic Pinball Party is a GBA game, featuring Sonic, NiGHTS and Samba De Amigo themed pinball tables and numerous party games.

Sega bring us news that the two games will feature some sort of link up ability. Details are pretty much non-existent but you can be sure that we'll have the details the second they leave the horses mouth (the horse being SEGA.....)
[Source: cube-europe]


Just incase you wanted to know, you can find enough information on the Freeloader to make John Prescot feel full if you follow the link....

Freeloader [courtesy cube-europe]

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