Dragon Quest V (Nintendo DS) Dated in Japan

By Adam Riley 20.04.2008 3

Square Enix has finally confirmed the release date for Dragon Quest V in Japan. The Nintendo DS remake of the classic SNES game was thought to originally be coming early in 2008, but given the long-running strong sales of the Dragon Quest IV remake, which has now sold around 1.2 million copies in Japan so far (surpassing the PSone remake of the same NES title), Square Enix delayed its release somewhat.

Now it has been confirmed as definitely coming to Japan on 17th July. Previously Dragon Quest V from the SNES was brought to the PS2 in full 3D by the team that is now known as Nintendo-owned Genius Sonority. However, the game never made it over to the West. With news of Dragon Quest IV likely being brought to the US very soon, it is hoped DQV, and eventually DQVI, will make the transition as well.

Be sure to check out the couple of new screens in the media folder...

Box art for Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride

Square Enix


Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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European release date 2008   North America release date 2008   Japan release date 14.07.2008   Australian release date 2008   

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Looks like Japan will have number 9 before we even get number 4. Smilie

Nah, DQIX won't come out now until early next year, I reckon. Remember there's also the DQVI remake to arrive later this year, plus another DQ Monsters is being worked on. There's no need to rush DQIX at all, especially when these remakes easily sell over a million each and DQM: Joker is the biggest Third Party DS game, with around 1.5 million sales in Japan alone.

DQIV will likely hit the US in August, I'd reckon.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

So are they just going to bring all the DQ's to DS? How are they going to fit VIII...

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