I keep going back and forth between the two versions. The vibrancy of the colours, and some of the effects, in the Wii version is great, but the desaturation and filtering of the PS2 version fits the 'moving watercolour painting' look much better.
Knighty, yes the brush techniques do break up the fighting like that. From just viewing the videos it makes it look very disjointed, but trust me when I say that it all makes perfect sense and works wonderfully in the game.
For those thinking the game looks boring from that vid, please keep in mind that this is from right at the beginning of the game, where Amaterasu is roaming around the astral plane. For variety of things to do, interesting characters to interact with, secrets to find, enemies to fight, dungeons to conquer and story to uncover, Okami has Twilight Princess well, well beaten.
I'd go so far as to say that the only things Twilight Princess has going for it over Okami are the Zelda name, and overall better realised dungeons. The dungeons in Okami are great, but they're just missing a bit of magic or an inspirational puzzle or two to really make them outstanding.
"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."