Nintendo DS Dragon Quest IV Port Coming to US?

By Adam Riley 17.04.2008 4

A new listing has appeared on the US Patents and Trademarks Office website indicating the possibility of Dragon Quest IV heading to the US at long last. Siliconera has spotted a new listing for 'Chapters of the Chosen' under Square Enix, which would tie in nicely with Dragon Quest IV, given how the game's Japanese sub-title roughly translates as 'The Chosen Ones'.

Considering how the game already has a 99%-translated script hidden in its Japanese ROM, chances are high that it is only a matter of time before the official Press Release is forthcoming from Square Enix. Also, with German, Spanish and French text hidden away as well, it seems Europeans will not miss out on what is by far the best RPG experience on DS so far.

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Nice, would be a good addition to the west. With more and more eastern exports these days it's pretty likely.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yeah i liked what little time i spent with it before i deleted it (guess i dint like it that much really) i did enjoy little bits of it though.

It had better come out here, it would be farcicial otherwise. We get so many crap games on the DS these days we could do with some real quality as this title is.

Awesome! I really want to try this series out. The PS2 one, VIII I think got rave reviews. I'm interested to know what all the fuss is about.

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