BioWare Discuss Sonic Chronicles

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.04.2008 4

Bioware recently discussed the upcoming Sonic RPG and how the hedgehog and friends will enter the turn-based world.

The studio reveal the different play mechanics, how players will do battle, various different moves and some storyline details. Unfortunately no in-game footage was revealed, but some gorgeous artwork was shown.

Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood is due for release on the DS later this year.

Box art for Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood





Turn Based RPG



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Nice, sounds good. Shame about the lack of footage though.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I'm interested.

I've wanted to play this for a while. Some of the screens I've seen look pretty nice. I'm waiting for a decent gameplay video.

Lord of Darkness
Brawl FC: 1160 9412 7621

did he say its being released "Fall 2007" lol you're one year off person being interviewed, so he's saying the game already came out O_O

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