Pole Dancing Sliding its way to Wii?

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.04.2008 12

Pole dancers can get some practice at home with the aid of Wii if a campaign for the game comes through.

Tech Digest report that Peekaboo Pole Dancing has distributed an email seeking a partner to help license their concept for a Wii game that'll have gamers strutting their stuff.

The company want to promote their idea with the gorgeous women of showbiz already fans of their catalogue: Carmen Electra, Kylie Minogue and the Pussycat Dolls.

Could a dance pole peripheral be on the cards for the activity-based Nintendo Wii?

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E3 AAA title confirmed.


SmilieSmilieSmilie I like! SmilieSmilieSmilie

The only game in the world that I'd prefer to watch than play (providing the right kind of female is playing mind).

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Haha I would buy it in an instant. And I would play it daily.

Sounds fun.

Lol, only on Wii Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

a game about pole dancing my priers have been answered but how is this supposed to work, ah who cares Smilie



As long as mom doesn't start playing.... ;-Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09
Guest 25.12.2008#12

Finally a game for those single moms. :-p

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