Capcom Talks Phoenix Wright Spin-Off (Nintendo DS)

By Adam Riley 11.04.2008 3

Capcom has revealed a few more details about its Ace Attorney spin-off, Gyakuten Kenji. The producers of the game that focuses on Miles Edgeworth and Dick Gumshoe have discussed some initial details of the game with Famitsu. Initially believed to be similar to the Ace Attorney games, this in fact looks more like a point-and-click adventure, with the focus mainly being on the investigation side of matters.

It turns out that Shu Takumi, the director of the Gyakuten Saiban / Ace Attorney series, is not involved in development of this game. As for the story's timeline, it takes place around the time of Gyakuten Saiban 3 / Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright: Trials & Tribulations and more familiar characters will appear in the game.

With the game development being at the 40% mark, hopefully it will not be too long before this gets a Japanese release. Capcom has also now opened the game's official website.

Will the game take on the fan-dubbed 'Perfect Prosecutor' title in the West, though, or will Capcom go with something more routine like 'Ace Prosecutor: Miles Edgeworth'? Be sure to let us know what your thoughts are on the game and what it should be called...

Box art for Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth








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Or... how about "Pro Prosecutor"


( Edited 21.10.2012 00:09 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Anyone seen the screens of this yet? It looks pretty damn cool, if somewhat basic in terms of visuals (again). I love old school point and click games, so this could actually be more up my street than the normal games...

EDIT: I've added the latest screens to this story now.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I've been wanting to play as Edgeworth since the first Phoenix Wright game - Phoenix was cool, but Edgeworth was just... cool.

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