Teenage Zombies Attack US Next Week

By Ben 10.04.2008

"Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys!" will be hitting US shelves next week on the 15th April, according to a press release from Ignition Entertainment yesterday. Also from the Press Release:

"With all the hard work that has gone into making Teenage Zombies a fiendishly clever and exciting title, it's a fantastic feeling to see it go gold," said Ajay Chadha, President of Ignition Entertainment. "I'm confident that DS gamers everywhere are going to love the game's witty sense of humor, unique comic book style of presentation and tons of brain-challenging mini-games between each game level."

In Teenage Zombies, the Earth is under attack by a horde of Alien Brain... uh...Thingys! Humans, succumbing to ray-guns and mind-control, have failed to defend their planet and let it fall easily into the clutches of the Big Brain and his army of Alien Brain Thingys. The only hope left for mankind is three Teenage Zombies who ignore their normal human victims in favor of the pulsing pink brains they see EVERYWHERE - all the while being lured to the ultimate lunch: THE BIG BRAIN!

Will any of our US readers be picking this up on day one?

Box art for Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys





2D Platformer



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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