Rock Band Demands Wii Hard Drive

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.04.2008 10

Rock Band developer Harmonix commented on the lack of downloads being due to a lack of a Wii hard-drive.

The all-out music game due for release later this year was supposed to contain downloadable content for additional tracks and goodies, but unlike the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 versions won't be able to. The reason being the lack of a hard-drive to store content on, with SD cards being way too small to house anything substantial, according to an interview with CVG.

Come on Nintendo, we need a hard drive. That's what we want. The whole problem is there's nowhere to store it. If the platform could do it, we'd jump on it. It's something that we championed to Nintendo, that we'd like to do it. Who knows what will happen down the line, I don't know what's coming down the line, but that's the reason there's no DLC in Wii Rock Band"

Harmonix design director Rob Kay

With demand from both consumers and developers, will Nintendo put out eventually?

Thanks to C3 reader Marzy for the tip.

Box art for Rock Band








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European release date Q2 2008   North America release date 22.06.2008   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date Q2 2008   

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No one wants to buy Rock Band. Especially at the price of

I agree Nintendo really should release a HDD for Wii (among a few other things) or at least include an update making it compatible with existing ones. That being said, SD Cards would suffice and Harmonix needs to pull their heads out of their ***es and include online functionality and not gimp the damn Wii version.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

MP3s or OGG files can EASILY fit in 512MB

Some other dev's might have the right to complain, but not these ones.
What are they trying to store them as WAVs? <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
MP3s or OGG files can EASILY fit in 512MB

Some other dev\'s might have the right to complain, but not these ones.
What are they trying to store them as WAVs?

My Who\'s Next album (the first one they will offer for download) comes in at around 60MB. That\'s more than 10% of the Wii\'s total internal storage for one album on it\'s own. Coupled with updates, VC games and any other things you might want to download you\'ll fill that up very quickly. Basically if you don\'t think the Wii needs a HDD you\'re an idiot.

What other developers have the right to complain? I\'m struggling to think of a console game with more DLC than Rock Band.

I predict Rock Band Wii to be a colossal flop, was a silly decision in the first place. Just buy one of the proper versions instead, at least then you\'ll be able to import.

( Edited 10.04.2008 04:01 by Kangaroo_Kid )

Boycott Rock Band Wii!! (Well I'm not buying it either way because it's just so stupidly expensive).

I would buy it with some friends, but it doesnt have online play nor downloadable content and I agree Wii need a hard drive!

*lol* heyho! here comes the messenger of HDD. Since they are so strong in needs for us customers, we proudly throw 250 EUR down their throats!

No thanks!

First of all: there are 512 MB internal memory. Second: SD-cards have 2 GB of space for a low price. Third: even if one song has 70 or 80 MByte, they still are small enough to fit on an SD-card. When I throw 250 EUR out for Rock Band, then I can throw away another 20 EUR for 2 GByte of SD-RAM. Exclusively for Rock Band.

Beside an HDD would look good for Wii. But the attitude tese guys show is not okay! Well, Harmonix, at first I thought you where the good guys with Guitar Hero taken out of your poor hands, but now I begin to think you are screwed and fit into EA's portfolio. EA cries they are taken by consumers as the bad guys. I am not surprised...

You tell us, Kangaroo-Kid, to boycott Wii-Rocl-Band. Great. These guys throw out a Wii version - that's not likely these days - and again it's such a cheap piece of shit it does bomb like hell. It will be a flop and everyone cries, that Wii doesn't pay off. I hate that!
So no DLC for Wii. Rubbish. Subterfuge!
And on the other side, you don't sell Wii version cheaper then the rest, because no DLC is available? Nononono, that would be too neat of you.
Harmonix, you know how to anger people.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

FFS Nintendo suck. They really need to actually listen, if they won't listen to the consumers, maybe they'll listen to the developers.

Who am I kidding? They won't release a hard drive until they make a FIRST PARTY game that needs it, i.e. never.

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They could easily throw in a 2 gigabyte SD card for that amount of money. Are they seriously saying they can't fit an extra 20 music tracks onto 2 Gigs of memory? Fact is, they can't be bothered to use the SD card as it would involve changing extra code from the other versions of the game. Don't get me wrong, a Wii HD is a good idea, but you can't say that developers can complain about space issues when they could utilize 2 gigs of SD storage if they wanted.

We don't need developers telling us we need a HDD we know that already but there's no need for them to kick up a fuss (they'd probally make up some shitty excuse even if we had a HHD for not giving us DLC).
I've never liked SD cards I don't trust them they have a habit of erasing the data stored on them (as Ive had alot of experience with) so I wouldn't be storing data of any sort on a SD.

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