BBC Announces iPlayer for Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.04.2008 6

UK-based Wii owners can now catch-up on their favourite shows on their TV via the Wii using BBC's iPlayer.

According to BBC News those living in the UK, or using UK-based proxies, can access the service by using the Internet Channel. At present there's no word of a dedicated channel setup, but a BBC channel for Wii is a likely possibility in the future.

The BBC's catch-up TV service can now be accessed on an increasing number of different platforms - from the web and portable devices to gaming consoles

Erik Huggers, BBC's group controller for Future Media and Technology

Early versions are said to be available from today (April 9th), with more test versions available later this year. Nintendo are said to be sending out Wii messages to inform owners of the announcement.

Thanks to Phoenixus for the tip.

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bit grainy but still rocks

That's actually pretty cool... I can probably watch Doctor Who on that.

May check it out sometime.

lol @ the name.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I saw this story on their tech blog some months ago when they announced they were looking into the possibility of bringing it to various platforms. It's cool that it's actually happened. It would be nice to get a actual channel sometime soon where updates feature on the screen.

Sweet Smilie

they need to improve the qaulity so much though for a home tv, it looks really bad on a 19" widescreen with component cables.

Echoes221 said:
they need to improve the qaulity so much though for a home tv, it looks really bad on a 19" widescreen with component cables.

Weird - it doesn't look 1/2 bad to me on me 20" wide. What we do also is output TV stuff using a cheap cable to our tv in the living room - for anime etc.

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