White Wii Controller Returns to Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.04.2008 24

Nintendo of Japan's product pages have been updated with a return for the White GameCube controller.

Image for White Wii Controller Returns to Japan

Hopefully with the release of past GameCube controllers, similar products like the wireless Wavebird will follow suit - despite possibilities of being cancelled.

Thanks to GoNintendo.

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... Smilie

Release more over here too please! SmilieSmilie new Wavebirds! They should be Wii themed, that'd be leet!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Great news! I am in need of some new GC controllers fast.

Looks nice Smilie Would prefer Wavebirds though, they are so rare and so bloody expensive!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Has the cable always been 3 meters long? Anyway, good news for those who need GC controllers. We already have 4 (3 officials, 1 third party).

I had 5, but my 2 Wavebirds broke... basically I desperately need a new one Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Going all smash bros on an official pad is going to cost you.

I prefer el cheapo's with the same basic shape design, just so you can hammer away should the need be there Smilie

Oh, poor analogue sticks...

SuperLink said:
I had 5, but my 2 Wavebirds broke... basically I desperately need a new one Smilie

5?! 5?! Man you're a rich boy! Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

1 came with the GC, 1 was a random gift (I think) and I got 2 Wavebirds for XMAS once, so I\'ve only ever bought 1 GC controller myself Smilie

( Edited 09.04.2008 10:54 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

You lucky bum SL, I never got a Wavebird myself, too expensive. Now a days they cost even more due to rarity... such a shame.

They got these here already... wait they are 3rd party though.

Thats just silly.
Just release the wavebird and be done with it.

Theres enough great cube games alone about that need a GC controller. Why do half measures?

Heck, the Wii should be able to handel a wavebird without the doddle if they gave it a firmware update.

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I think they just make it fully wireless, make it connect like the wii remote does. Basically PS2 Controller Wireless.

Did the white GC come with these?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

the white one has been out over here for ages with the mario football+gamecube pack, in which you got a white gamecube and controller.

mOojc said:
You lucky bum SL, I never got a Wavebird myself, too expensive. Now a days they cost even more due to rarity... such a shame.

Picked myself up a Wavebird second hand in EB for $9AUD. First time I think I've ever seen a bargain in that store.

iCAME said:
They got these here already... wait they are 3rd party though.

Yeah there are heaps of white third party ones around. Can get two for about twenty dollars off ebay. Not sure how good they are though.

Kangaroo_Kid said:
mOojc said:
You lucky bum SL, I never got a Wavebird myself, too expensive. Now a days they cost even more due to rarity... such a shame.

Picked myself up a Wavebird second hand in EB for $9AUD. First time I think I've ever seen a bargain in that store.

What... WHAT? 9 fricken bucks... Let's see 70-9 = $63 saved (even if it is second hand... :crySmilie. I usually check all the EB stores that I can access and keep an eye out for bargains like those. Unfortunately I never seem to find any.

I'm pretty sure this one is a bit different to the White one with Mario Strikers Smilie Either that or they never got it before. Still, it's queer for them to release it now, it's probably for Brawl. But they shoulda released Wavebirds instead. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I like how its called \"New swanky white color\".... even though the white GC controller had been on the market up to the point where they were discontinued.
Im pretty sure the color was called \"Pearl White\"

(P.S. Im talking about OFFICIAL ones.)

( Edited 09.04.2008 14:14 by edracon )

Pretty sure the Pearl White GC/Controllers came with the release of FF:CC in Japan as well.

Yeah, as if anyone has the gall to mention those awful 3rd party controllers on C3. :3

*Holds everyone by the ear* ISN'T THAT RIGHT!? Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Sweet, this is exactly what I was hoping for, white GC controllers!Smilie

Yeah, they came with the Lim Ed FF:CC GC, only released in Japan.

Image for

( Edited 09.04.2008 16:12 by Linkyshinks )

Lol, a week or so ago i mentioned the fact that they have to put them back in production soon, and looks like they listened to me...

I have the power!

SuperLink said:
Yeah, as if anyone has the gall to mention those awful 3rd party controllers on C3. :3

*Holds everyone by the ear* ISN'T THAT RIGHT!? Smilie

I actually picked up a couple of unofficial white GC controller on eBay earlier this year (they look exactly like this one, minus the Nintendo stamp), and they're actually great!

The shoulder buttons are a little bit stiff, but they've been easing over time. And considering the total for both was less than

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

i've 4 gamecube controllers one official and the others third party. two of the third party ones broke (one of them GAME and it was the biggest piece of shit ever it was see-through and creaked when you squeezed it slightly, the other one, i think it was GAME also but it was the design they have out now while the other one was an older design)

i need a wavebird....... btw whats the best controller option for brawl im guessing gamecube controller but is the wii-mote (no numchuk) option ok?

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