Capom Bring Phoenix Wright Spin-off to Nintendo DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.04.2008 7

Fans of Phoenix Wright are in for a treat with a new game announced in the latest Famitsu.

According to the Japanese weekly, a new entry in Capcom's law series is in development. Perfect Prosecutor sees players acting as the prosecutor, seeing faces like Miles Edgeworth and Dick Gumshoe. Edgeworth is on the lookout for overlooked evidence and inconsistencies at the crime scene, with new detective mechanics being introduced.

  • First scan (Famitsu)
  • Thanks to C3 reader Phoenixus for the tip.

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    I think i'll be playing and buying this game on release


    *SQUEEEEEEEEEE* SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie




    EDGEYYYYYYY!!!!!! SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie


    I wonder when it\'s set? Possibly before Phoenix Wright... I wonder if Edgeworth is a \"bad guy\" then? TBH I wouldn\'t be surprised if it was set after Phoenix\'s third game (after Phoenix gets fired & stuff)



    EDIT: It\'s really funny, \'cos Mason & I were talking about this mystery game just yesterday in the Ace Attorney thread. Smilie Had no idea it\'d be all revealed today...

    ( Edited 09.04.2008 10:32 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    I cant wait for this game to come out. I also wonder when this is set, and will Edgeworth be the good guy or not?Smilie

    SuperYoshi6 PSN name
    3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

    Awesome news Smilie

    Can't what to see where they go with this. Definitely will be getting this along with the other games soon.

    SuperLink said:

    *SQUEEEEEEEEEE* SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie




    EDGEYYYYYYY!!!!!! SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie


    I wonder when it's set? Possibly before Phoenix Wright... I wonder if Edgeworth is a "bad guy" then? TBH I wouldn't be surprised if it was set after Phoenix's third game (after Phoenix gets fired & stuff)



    ^ THIS. Smilie

    Looks fantastic, great stuff. I'll be buying it as soon as it gets translated...they're probably never going to do the dual language Japanese releases again...

    I cannot keep up with this series, and I do not think I want to. I have the first two but have yet to really want to get the others, unless they come down in price considerably. Re playability in these games are too weak for my liking even if they are written very well..

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