Rumour: Microsoft to Create Wii-Remote?

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.04.2008 31

After Sony denies wanting to Wii-up the Playstation, apparently Microsoft maybe stepping up to take on waggling.

According to an unnamed developer speaking to MTV News, Microsoft has been hiding away working on a way to tackle Nintendo's dominance in the world of innovation by coming up with a similar way of shaking and pointing.

Presenting...the Xbox 360 remote...supposedly:

Image for Rumour: Microsoft to Create Wii-Remote?

The controller itself isn't much different in functionality or design from Nintendo's Wii remote, but comes with four face buttons, an analog stick and microphone. There are also plans for the controller to interact with the Xbox Live Vision Camera, the source said.

Microsoft's controller isn't just a response to "Wii Sports"; it's slightly more ambitious. "They want the usual assortment of 'Halo'/ 'Gears'/ 'Forza'/ whatever, just in waggle form," our source told us. Such idea-generation has not gone smoothly. "The whole thing is a colossal clusterf---," the source said. "[Microsoft] marketing just want it so they can match the Wii point for point. The biggest parts of their marketing materials outline how easy it would be for third parties to port their Wii games to the 360."

Banjo Kazooie creator Rare is said to be developing an avatar system similar to the Mii interface, along with fleshing out the interface for the proposed remote.

Would this approach to motion and pointer control work, or is it a slightly delayed April fools joke?

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Lol, seems a bit stupid to me design wise but I\'m sure Microsoft probably is coming up with something similar, somehow.

The Wii-remote relies on simplicity, and it works. Having a big A button is something anyone can relate to - hit the big button! Wave it around. It works, and it\'s been proven to be successful for most implementation.

This idea is just ridiculous - it would be better to drop the 4-way buttons lower, as holding it upward would be weird, though sideways would have some potential.

( Edited 07.04.2008 23:55 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

that design looks more like somthing I would have made in paint.. and less like an idea/patent

This is so hilariously fake.

I think it's a late April Fools but I wouldn't know. There is no doubt that Micrsoft would have considered the possibility of motion sensing at one point.

i hope it's a late april fools. I don;t want Microsoft dabbling in Nintendo's good area, Microsoft also having a Wii remote would make the wii obselete and lame. Why buy a Wii when Xbox has all its features PLUS great graphics and a big meaty harddrive? That would suck for all Nintendo fans.

Conduit FC: 0431-6660-0908

I hope it's a joke. Personally, I hate the Wiimote. It's a gimmick that hopefully won't catch on. Give me a good button-mashing frustration-fest any day. Screw the mini-games.

Wow, tht design sucks...a 5 year old kid can come up with something better.

Jesus christ isn't there a patent for this? I mean for fuck sakes it is SO UNBELIEVABLY obvious that they're copying the Wii!

I'm hoping this is fake. Probably is by looking at the shit diagram.

um... yeah this is fake lol Smilie
I'm sure Microsoft is working on some similar sort of motion sensing though.

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Wow, it has a LED light with 4 colours!! DO WANT!!

I think it could be true, if they worked around the patent issues.

I don't think the Wii has to fear anything. Wii has become such a big brand, people want 'the real deal'. Not a copycat that 'doesn't even have Wii Sports!'

You can get Halo Sports!

That would be just awesome Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

what a load of shite. Did a 5 year-old do that design in art class!

MKWii FC 4081-5636-6351 <<-- add me SSBB FC 2707-3062-7319 <<-- add me

Yup looks fake to me and I'm pretty sure Nintendo have patented a speaker in a games controller.

Nah, you\'d get Master Chief & Altair at the Olympic Games.

You could play as your own little avatar people called \"Yuus\" Except they\'re all photorealistic, and really brown. OBV.

( Edited 08.04.2008 10:29 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Why would Microsoft want to recreate the Wii remote? I thought that they were rivals? I caan't see any sense in this at all. But maybe they will reveal more when the time comes. It might be good and maybe not. It would seem rather strange. And will it already be synced if it is going to be brought into production?Smilie

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Ofcourse this is fake, the design is S***, the analog stick is awkwardly place and you would have to stop moving it to press any buttons.


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Clearly fake. XD
Microsoft doesn't need a Wiimote rip-off anyway. They're doing fine as-is. Smilie Still, I might be less sceptical if Sony were the ones rumoured to be producing this. Smilie

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It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

OGM Confirmed!

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Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Go to Xbox 360 Fanboy for a proper picture of it.

unless its meant to be held with 2 hands, how do they expect to use analog and press the buttons at the same time?

fake it has no dimensions, no technical jibber-jabber and the diagram is shit. fake fake FAKE

Simez said:
Go to Xbox 360 Fanboy for a proper picture of it.


It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Did u see it Crumbley?

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