Rumour: Virtual Console Game Sharing?

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.04.2008 6

An interesting video sees a possible ability to copy virtual console games from one Wii console to another.

According to the chaps at Wii Fanboy, a clever hacker demonstrates the ability to copy Super Mario Bros from a different Wii by running an update on his clean system.

It does certainly seem legit that it has copied something over, though whether the games actually work using this method is still in question.

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ok, so do they come on a disk as an update or what?

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Stulaw90 said:
ok, so do they come on a disk as an update or what?

Looks like it, though it really needs to be played to be more convincing. Does seem to copy something across at least. Wiibrew definitely seems to be coming along real nice!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Wii games are on me!, says the milky Wii kid..

I doubt this works, if they showed it in action I would be more convinced like you. It looks like a total fake just made to look like it has done something, when it fact it has done F all. Games are locked to the Wiicode of the machine that the game was bought on, unless it was a game he bought I doubt it is playable.

( Edited 08.04.2008 06:35 by Linkyshinks )

Sorry, but as Linkyshinks and jb state: I do not know what this video acutally wants to say. empty Wii, update and Riddiculo there's Mario Bros installed?

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I think this is fake. The Wii automatically puts new VC games into the next available Wii Channel space, this Mario Bros one appears in the next but one gap. what was the black screen that appeared for ages - not him cutting the video and restarting with the game bought?...looks fake to me Smilie

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