Sonic Unleashes Orgasmic Golden Ring

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.04.2008 15

Sega have released a short teaser cinematic for the upcoming Sonic outing.

The 30 second clip depicts Sonic's hand fiddling with a tiny ring and after a tossing it about several times makes some peculiar sounds as he unleashes his hair beast from within?

Does the werewolf element to the upcoming Sonic Unleashed add a much needed breath of fresh wolf-air or is it something that should be left well alone?

Box art for Sonic Unleashed

Sonic Team




3D Platformer



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Cool, just wonder how the werewolf would be implemented, probably be slow and strong on seperate levels built for it. or will you be able to turn into it any time.

Stulaw90 said:
Cool, just wonder how the werewolf would be implemented, probably be slow and strong on seperate levels built for it. or will you be able to turn into it any time.

Hmm - I'm hoping for turn it on-to-solve-puzzles at certain times, when needed approach, but given recent outings it'll likely be get enough rings, press a button, Sonic smash things.

Weird sounds he makes too

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

You should really go to for embedded videos, I can't watch gametrailers on the opera browser Smilie

Maby you need to update? I'm using opera and I can play the videos fine.

I'm quite inerestd in how this game goes.

First reaction to trailer: Huh?
That was just kinda awkward.

Thoughts on Sonic as a werewolf:
Link was cool as a wolf! Why wouldn't Sonic be a cool wolf too?!?!?!

I really can't see werewolf powers making a Sonic game any more interesting. Wouldn't it just make him a blue version of the ol' Honeycomb cereal Crazy Craving mascot? Smilie

@ Blade

Wii. Opera Powered.

On topic, why is it necessary for Sonic to turn into a wolf. This could be a good idea or a game breaker.

The trailer itself is a cool design itself, but I have to be convinced that turning into a Werewolf does Sonic actually any good.
Considering the poor quality of the Sonic-games recently: nothing can do Sonic any more bad than all the same gameplay, that doesn't work in 3D. So okay, let's see what they have in mind with this!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I think it's stuuuuupid.

Link turning into a wolf was good. Man to animal.

Sonic is already an animal so him turning into another one is just silly.

This will probably turn out to be crap - average. They should make a second secret rings game but without the arabian nights, dinosaurs and pirates.

I second that, secret rings through a 3D green hill zone type level would be awesome, with sonic rush style music and bosses.

iFrit said:
I think it's stuuuuupid.

Link turning into a wolf was good. Animal to animal.

Sonic is already an animal so him turning into another one is just silly.

Fixed. Oh, and BTW I don't get your logic Smilie

Sonic & his ring had a fight. Smilie The ring looked simply misterable after Sonic rejected it like that...

Poar ring Smilie

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Link's an elf not an animal Superlink. His logic is to imagine a helpless hedgehog turning into a raging werewolf. A human turning from "Man" to "Beast" makes more sense than animal, changing into yet another animal.

Link's a man with funny ears. Nothing more.Smilie

yeah he's already an animal with cool powers so why does he need to transform?

but seriously...
honeycomb "Crazy Craving" mascot + blue hair = werewolf sonic

Image for

Link may not be an animal, but he is a beast.

Anyway, if it is implemented well (fat chance) this may be an excellent idea. My personal theory, however, is that the "ring energy" gauge from the screenshots is going to fill and sonic will go Wolfen (which is terrible). or it just happens on "night" levels, also shown in the early shots (not too bad). One of the two.

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