Sony says No to Wii Remote knock off

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.04.2008 13

Sony's Scott Steinberg recently commented on the possibility of developing a Wii-remote clone for the PS2 or 3.

When discussing the success of the PlayStation brand in the market, and possibilities to innovate in the future were mentioned: "I think a Wii Remote style would feel a bit less innovative on the PS2, so I don't think we have any plans to go there."

When probed into whether the company would consider making something similar to Nintendo's successful Wii-remote and nunchuck configuration Steinberg replied, "I don't think we're in the business of creating knock offs."

He compares the PS2's continual life in the industry to the Wii in terms of price. He feels potential customers see the $129 price point for Sony's offering (PS2) and with its DVD player has "thousands of products to choose from." Where as the Wii's $250 price only offers a "catalogue of games" and its "gimmick".

Thanks to GoNintendo.

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Sony, your PS3 system lagged when I played a PS3 game.. Isn't that strange?

Bad connection perhaps?

I think he means offline. Smilie

Could be the developers fault?

Sony - the company that said no to rumble.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Heh, yeah, they'll never live that down.

Dualshock 3, anyone, in the next few weeks?

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

SNES layout -> Playstation Controller (though that can be excluded I guess due to the Nintendo/Sony post SNES thing)

Shoulder buttons -> Playstation controller
Rumble -> PS2 controller (lolz)
basic motion sensing -> PS3 controller

Shall we go on?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

"No, jb, You got me! I surrender!" says Kaz Kurai(?) to Phoenix JB Wright.

*hehehe* Star for that little 'evidence', jb!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I would be very surprised if the next playstation didn't have one of these things:
IR pointing device
Left hand/right hand separation

These are the two things that make the 360 and PS3 controllers feel outdated when I use them now.

In related news, Nintendo have recently denied making video games, and scientists have proved human beings don't need oxygen.

His name's (Krazy) Ken Kuturagi, Analog controller on PS1 was a reaction to the N64 controller, like how SIXAsses was a reaction to the Wii-Remotes motion capabilities as we all know.
Microsoft was stupid and thought Nintendo were just playing games with a remote, I read somewhere. I won't be surprised if PSP2 had a touchscreen.
I know there are things Nintendo don't create, but they use things (like a touchscreen) to enhance the gaming experience.

Lol, this reminds me of a picture that I have:

Image for
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