GRID Accelerates into Debut Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.04.2008 11

Firebrand Games have revealed the first snippets of gameplay from the upcoming GRID racer for Nintendo DS.

The sequel to Race Driver: Create and Race - known simply as "GRID" is due for release in June 2008 for Nintendo DS, Microsoft XBox 360, Sony PS3 and PC.

Box art for Race Driver: GRID








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That looks amazing. And so smooth.

Can't stand realistic racing games on the DS. The draw distance is usually horrible.

GRID looks amazing, on all platforms. If this has a strong online mode like the others this is going to be a must buy on the DS.

( Edited 05.04.2008 05:51 by Linkyshinks )

Grid becomes the DS very well. It's realistic and covers the range usually taken by PSP. Sony tends to let more realistic games on their PSP while Nintendo has more bright-colour-abstract-graphics on DS and GBA. So aside from the great graphics and smooth gameplay it's important to appear on DS. I hope Wii takes a similar approach becoming a universal console for all types of games.

It looks good and has a great feeling to it.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Awesome - does look really impressive, especially for DS!

Really hope they can do something good with the Wii, t'would be a good.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Looks very good on the DS. Has potential.

tiamat1990 said:
Can't stand realistic racing games on the DS. The draw distance is usually horrible.

The draw distance is amazing on this.. never seen a PS1 racer drawing that far back.

Graphics pretty damn good too.

If I had a DS, I'd buy.

I can't stand realistic looking games in general

This still has the track desighner don't it?

I really like how this game is coming along.

hmm has good potential, nice landscapes and looks smooth. however i dont really think ninty consoles are suited to realistic racing games

The guys up in Scotland at Firebrand certainly know what they're doing with DS...the trick is a custom-built engine for the system. I'm salivating at the prospect of both this and Trackmania!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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