N-Revolution Magazine Calls Euro Brawl Date

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.04.2008 3

The latest edition of N-Revolution magazine is reporting a possible Brawl date - May 2008.

The latest edition of the magazine suggests a release on Friday 30th May, and with previous reports suggesting a near-June release, the end of May could be a likely time for Euro Brawlers to get their mitts on one of the best fighting games to date, finally.

Disaster: Day of Crisis...and Pilot Wings Wii are also listed for June 27th 2008. Thanks to GoNintendo.

Remember these dates are all unconfirmed by Nintendo - be sure to watch this space for updates.

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    Oh god even if it is true it's just so far away. By the time we get online the rest of the world would have three months experience.

    Ah well, I just unlocked snake and played over 50 matches online. Smilie

    3 months is better than half/whole year.

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