Portable SNES Plays Star Fox Classic

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.04.2008 7

A funky modded polycase holds a sweet portable SNES and is seen running the classic Star Fox (Starwing).

The sweet modded SNES devised by a Ben Heck forum user runs off a pair of lithium-ion batteries, has a 5-inch LCD screen and brings picture perfect action in a slightly clunky but gorgeous unit.

Thanks to GoNintendo and Engadget.

Box art for Star Fox / Starwing








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er..... GBA = portable SNES...

haha still pretty cool though Smilie - portable GC was better Smilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Cool enough, I like the fact it has a second controller port.

OT: (PM)

If anyone has a PSP and wants to try out the God Of War:CoO Demo just PM me. I have one spare as they sent me two copies.

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ZeroSimon said:
er..... GBA = portable SNES...

haha still pretty cool though Smilie - portable GC was better Smilie

The GBA is a 32bit console where as the SNES was a 16bit console, therefore if the GBA didn't have a set polygon limit, and limited cartridge media, it could've done the same as the PSX.

So really, This is a great piece of machinery, cos it's an actal portable SNES.

Looks mighty fine! Love the modding/homebrew scene!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

isn't this AGES old? or has he actually made a new one?

I'm slowly starting to open up my N64s, and I'm starting to like the idea of modding them just for a laugh. I'll post results if I ever do. Though Nintendo could make a portable SNES the size of a coin if they wanted to, it's amazing this guy got it that small with the original components!

Our member of the week

I wish i had the knowledge and abilities to make one myself as well. My favourite console of all time.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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