Rumour: New Skies of Arcadia and NiGHTS on the way?

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.03.2008 23

A new Skies of Arcadia and NiGHTS could be on the way from Sega, according to a tentative list from the company's upcoming Gamer day.

According to Sega site Sega Nerds, the company may be showing some interesting surprises during the upcoming Sega Gamer's Day in May.

  • BEIJING 2008

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    Bioshock Smilie

    knighty said:
    Bioshock Smilie

    Stop talking to yourself. Smilie

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Still yet to play the original Skies of Arcadia but would make sense if the sequel released on the Wii since the original was on the GC (orignally from the DC yes I know).

    that is fantastic if true. SOA is one of my favourite rpg's along with FFxii, tales of symphonia and panzer dragoon saga. Please SEGA make it happen or else. . . .

    Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III Shenmue III... please!

    I'd love to see SoA 2, but I can't see where the story could go. Perhaps the game could cover the creation of the Gigas'?Smilie

    As for NiGHTS, who knows.

    Lol, SoA0. I hate prequels.

    I enjoyed myself VERY VERY much with the original Skies of Arcadia. Even tho it has very slow battles. it had the dynamic music during battles which was just sooo good.

    Skies of arcadia sequal would be great, just need to reduce the number of random battles or get rid of them completly.

    I have to agree with the big block of text above. If SEGA are serious about wanting to tackle their current financial situation they need to put out games like that.

    New NiGHTS? Oh god, it\'s the new Sonic. Sega are going to wreck another classic francise over and over again, aren\'t they? >.<

    Unless they\'re porting the PS2 NiGHTS remake to Wii. That would be amazing. Smilie

    ( Edited 30.03.2008 17:27 by Ikana )

    Or better yet- just releasing the PS2 one in PAL regions.

    Probably not for the Wii.

    Oni-Ninja said:
    Or better yet- just releasing the PS2 one in PAL regions.

    Or even better yet release it on XBLA!

    ( Edited 30.03.2008 18:59 by Blade2t3 )

    Aliens is strangely absent from the list.

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    Blade2t3 said:
    Or even better yet release it on XBLA!

    Why would that be better? I don't have, or intend to get a 360. I do have a PS2, though.

    Because it would have online leaderboards and you don't have to put a disc in and would be really cheap and look lovely.

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    the main sticking point for me would is that I don't have a 360, and thus, would not be able to experience NiGHTS. I do have a PS2 though, which NiGHTS is already out on, just not in my region.

    I\'d rather NiGHTS were on XBLA than PS2...for the reasons Crumbley said, plus I can\'t be bothered with Swap Magic...though a PAL release would be great for anything. Smilie

    ( Edited 30.03.2008 21:57 by Ikana )

    Skies of Arcadia was noch bad. But it was extremely boring when sailing in the heavens, because of the HUGE HEAP of random battles. That killed the game for me. It lies around being played just a third of it's content. Yes, the GC-version!

    But it would be sweet to make a new one, a... 'port' or something like that.

    By the way: With the cheap crap SEGA is throwing on the market, I do not doubt, that they have problems staying 'liquid'...

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    While I really love Skies of Arcadia, you have to remember that this game was made by the "original" Sonic Team, Sega hasnot been the same since the death of the dreamcast, you can see that by comparing their most resent games

    New SOA would be great. NiGHTs, not so much if it plays like the Wii version. I have yet to play the PS2 one, though. that could be decent.

    Lord of Darkness
    Brawl FC: 1160 9412 7621

    fenixazul said:
    While I really love Skies of Arcadia, you have to remember that this game was made by the "original" Sonic Team, Sega hasnot been the same since the death of the dreamcast, you can see that by comparing their most resent games

    although the overall standard may have dropped they still have made some great games like fzero and phantasy star, plus the handheld sonic games. They just need to sit back and maybe not release so many games a year.

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