Retailers List Sonic Unleashed for Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.03.2008 12

With Sega keeping schtum on the whole Sonic Unleashed project, retailers have started to list the game for a Wii release.

US Retailer EB Games has placed Sonic Unleashed for a November 4th release, keeping in-line with reports of a winter/fall journey into stores.

Alongside the Wii seems what GameStop is suggesting an appearance on Sony's PS2.

Thanks to C3 reader Phoenixus for the tip.

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Pfffft. PS2? I sure hope not. If it's an all console release then Wii will get a PS2 version rather than a slightly lower end 360 version. Smilie

Liez, all of it!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'm still remaining foolishly optimistic that this will be Sonic's video game redemption (at least on home consoles) and that Sega has learned something from their last few Sonic games (although I haven't played the Secret Rings game).

SuperLink said:
Pfffft. PS2? I sure hope not. If it's an all console release then Wii will get a PS2 version rather than a slightly lower end 360 version. Smilie

I couldn't have said it better.

That doesn't sound good. Especially when you consider that the Wii is capable of graphics better than the GameCube. We shouldn't have to put up with mere PS2-level crap. I'd be surprised if they actually worked on making the graphics better on the Wii than the PS2, but a port would seem more likley.

But we'll have to wait and see. Hopefully this will be a revolution for Sonic.

...sonic...i remember when you were worth a damn...

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

It's Sony's fault for still marketing the PS2, which is still currently the worlds most profitable system in terms of dev cost and profit on game sales.

And until I read this I still liked the PS2.... damn

Lord of Darkness
Brawl FC: 1160 9412 7621

Well I suppose it's good news for Sonic fans that own Wii's

ith Sega keeping schtum on the whole Sonic Unleashed project, ...

schtum? What does that mean?
Art thou using German terms? (\'stumm\' meaning \'silent\')

( Edited 28.03.2008 18:31 by Laurelin )

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

schtum (ssh-tum) means keeping quiet.

Uve never used the word schtum before?

Fatman said:
...sonic...i remember when you were worth a damn...

Sonic is still worth a damn. The only sonic games I've ever played that I truly Disliked were the Sonic Advance games and Secret Rings.

Though I'll admit the last true gem in the series was SA2B. The Sonic Rush games were extremely good too.

Lord of Darkness
Brawl FC: 1160 9412 7621

I\'d prefer Sonic and The Secret Rings 2.

Still play the first one.

( Edited 28.03.2008 19:21 by iFrit )

The game seemed pretty good till I found out it would also be on the ps2(maybe). But stil...

Conduit FC: 0431-6660-0908

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