Commodore 64 Hits Euro Wii Virtual Console Today

By Adam Riley 28.03.2008 10

This week sees the 200th Virtual Console game hit Europe as the Commodore 64 launches on the download service! As the biggest selling personal computer of all time, the release of the Commodore 64 back in 1982 was an historic moment in the computer and video games industry. Now, for the first time Wii owners can experience some of the greatest titles from its impressive back catalogue, seemingly all for 500 Wii Points, the same price as a NES game.

"First up, get ready for a high-speed galactic adventure! Originally seen on the Commodore 64 in 1986, Uridium sees the solar system invaded by fifteen Super-Dreadnoughts. Players must defend each of the fifteen planets in this classic shoot'em up to stop the enemy fighters draining precious mineral resources from the planetary cores. Developed by 8-bit shoot'em up pioneer Andrew Braybrook, this outer-space title is pure nostalgia! Uridium is available for download now for 500 Wii Points.

"Next from the classic Commodore 64 is something a bit more down-to-earth; globe-trotting martial arts title International Karate. Released in 1986 for the Commodore 64, this one-on-one fighting game sees players compete in a karate tournament to become the international karate champion. Players must fly around the globe to various exciting locations, under the watchful eye of the old wise judge, winning bouts as they go. With points awarded for successful hits, either against a second player or the computer, get your black belt at the ready and take on International Karate on Virtual Console for 500 Wii Points.

"Finally, get ready to put pedal to the metal as you head out on the drive of your life across the highways of America in Cruis'n USA. Originally released on the Nintendo 64 in 1998, Cruis'n USA brought the classic arcade hit into the home. Racing along the highways of LA, the deserts of Arizona to the nations capital city Washington DC, get ready to feel the wind in your hair as you push for the finish line to gain glorious victory! Featuring a 14-stage cross country solo challenge, as well as a split-screen two player mode to take on a friend head-to-head, enjoy famous US sights like the Golden Gate Bridge and the Grand Canyon as you experience the thrill of street racing. Cruis'n USA is available to download now for 1000 Wii Points.

Virtual Console offers users the ultimate retro gaming experience. This week's titles join the list of 197 classic titles already available for Virtual Console in Europe, bringing the total to 200 games!

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Nice game list, although I still feel 500 points is too much for C64 games.Smilie

Same here. I thought since Master System games are set to be 400 Point, C64 ones would be similar...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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200 points for C64 games I feel, there's not enough game for 500.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

I would've thought 300-400 points for C64 games, but oh well.

I always loved Cruis'n USA. It hasn't aged well, but I can still put it in my N64 and get some joy out of it.

How much is 500 points in real money? I bit you it's far too much. C64 games are shitter than even NES games. Lest not forget that these are ROMs, not actual cartridges.

Oni-Ninja said:
How much is 500 points in real money?

5,00 EUR.
I think it's 5 USD when translated to USA, since they get 100 points for 1 USD, Europe being treated unfairly (as always) with 100 points for 1,60 USD.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Two hundred VC games! Very Impressive!

Yeah far too much. They should be like 50p each, max. I'm not joking, either. The vast majority of them games you lot will find to be wholly unplayable. They're just too shit. The C64 is from the generation before the NES, people. Then when you add that these are tiny, tiny ROMs being digitally-distributed.. well.. you're being conned at


1. They're not ROMs, as the files are from tapes or discs.
2. The C64 was on the go, and massively popular in Europe, from before the NES until after it.
3. Many C64 games have aged brilliantly (far better than many comparable NES games).

The thing about many C64 games is that they come from an evolutionary stream very different to the one most people are familiar with. Play Uridium or Paradroid. Both are utterly brilliant, yet entirely different from games that they would seem to bare basic similarities to. The same basic rules don't apply, which leads many people to look at them, try them for 10 seconds, not get them and decide they're shit.

Same goes for the C64 fighting games like IK plus and Way of the Exploding Fist.

The problem you have with the C64, Oni, is that you're too young to really remember a pre-Nintendo/Sega world.

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