Arkanoid & Space Invaders to Nintendo DS in Europe Courtesy of Square Enix

By Adam Riley 27.03.2008 3

Square Enix has today announced that ARKANOID DS and SPACE INVADERS EXTREME for DS will be available across Europe in Summer 2008. 30 years after the original SPACE INVADERS ignited an entire entertainment medium and founded a gaming generation; players can now prepare to play the most extreme embodiment of the game ever created.

SPACE INVADERS EXTREME combines the captivating essence of the original game with an alliance of futuristic graphic design and cutting-edge audio. The gameplay experience has been developed to maximise on the consoles' abilities offering players a whole new range of amazing features including a vast array of new power-ups, DS Wireless Communications and Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.

ARKANOID DS updates the classic block-busting gameplay of the 1986 original, with the Vaus vessel, balls and bricks all still intact. Different modes of play provide unique challenges including Clear with 140 levels to complete and Quest mode that sets different rules for clearing each round. Points won in the game can be used to customise the game further, with new backgrounds, blocks and sound effects waiting to be unlocked.

"Both ARKANOID and SPACE INVADERS transcend different generations and gaming abilities, they are as loved for the gameplay experience as they are for their iconic status. With the launch of SPACE INVADERS EXTREME and ARKANOID DS we can offer existing fans the chance to enjoy the next level of gameplay, while offering a new audience the chance to experience these classics in a contemporary way."
- John Yamamoto, president and chief executive officer of Square Enix Ltd.


  • Futuristic, techno-inspired graphic design takes SPACE INVADERS to new heights
  • Interactive, totally immersive sound scheme where sound effects are synchronised to match the beats of the music
  • Wide range of amazing new power-ups
  • Play a friend with Nintendo DS Wireless Play
  • Challenge other players with Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
  • High-Score table supported by Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
  • Share the multiplayer fun from a single cart with DS Download Play

ARKANOID DS features:

  • Over 140 levels to complete in Clear Mode, Quest mode adds extra challenge with different rules for each level
  • Customise your game by exchanging points earned for new design features such as new backgrounds, Vaus vessels, blocks and sound effects
  • Power-up items carefully selected from the ARKANOID series plus exciting new Power-up items: Barriers, Warp and Vanish
  • Compete against friends with 2 and 4-player DS Wireless Communications
  • Share the multiplayer fun from a single cart with DS Download Play
  • High-Score table supported by Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
  • Optional Paddle Controller gives analogue control just like the coin-op

Expect more details in the near future...

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Wireless play sounds swanky, though the games themselves I don't think are for me.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I was never much of a fan of Space Invaders, but I hear Space Invaders Extreme is quite good.

Of course, that's just an opinion.

Space invaders extreme is pretty funky, probably woulnd't buy it myself but I had fun playing it.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

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