Square Enix Confirms Nintendo Wii Chocobo Dungeon for US

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.03.2008 3

Update - Square Enix has now officially confirmed that Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon is coming on 8th July to the US.

Below is the full Press Release:

Square Enix, Inc., the publisher of Square Enix(TM) interactive entertainment products in North America, announced today that it will launch FINAL FANTASY(R) FABLES: Chocobo's Dungeon(R) for the North American market on July 8, 2008. Coming exclusively to Wii, the game brings a loveable cast featuring Chocobo and his friends to the next-generation platform for the first time.

Veteran character designer Toshiyuki Itahana delivers a uniquely compelling visual world in which a cast of beloved FINAL FANTASY characters leads players through an immersive storyline. With a carefully crafted narrative and a grand mystery to unravel, FINAL FANTASY FABLES: Chocobo's Dungeon will captivate gamers looking for a multifaceted RPG experience.

Players of all skill levels will appreciate everything this game has to offer, from the intuitive Wii controls and adorable characters, to the intricate story and versatile job system. Chocobo, a FINAL FANTASY fan favorite, takes on trademark job classes from the franchise such as black mage, knight, and scholar. Players can unlock more jobs as they progress through the game. The ever-changing dungeons and unexpected twists and turns offer hours of engrossing gameplay as players explore the newest adventure in one of the world's most popular RPG franchises.


Chocobo and Cid, FINAL FANTASY mainstays-turned-treasure hunters, are magically transported to a mysterious town whose people's memories are lost with each bell toll of the clocktower. One day, a strange boy named Raffaello arrives and creates dungeons of memories to help the townspeople remember who they are. Now it's up to Chocobo to journey through the dungeons and retrieve everyone's memories!

* A charming, vibrant game world coupled with an engaging storyline and
challenging turn-based battles to create a fun and entertaining RPG
* A compelling gaming experience utilizing a variety of classic FINAL
FANTASY job classes such as the knight, black mage and white mage to aid
Chocobo in his fight against evil
* Character designer Toshiyuki Itahana, from the FINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL
CHRONICLES(R) series and FINAL FANTASY FABLES: Chocobo Tales(R), lends
his trademark art style
* Duel against friends via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection in addictive card
battles featuring popular FINAL FANTASY creatures in a unique 3D pop-up
book style
* Collect hidden letters throughout the adventure and form special phrases
to unlock secret dungeons and job classes
* The signature Mog House offers arcade-style mini-games that can be
played with intuitive Wii Remote controls

FINAL FANTASY FABLES: Chocobo's Dungeon will be available in North American retailers for the suggested retail price of $39.99 (USD). The official website can be found at http://na.square-enix.com/fffcd

Original Story - Pre-orders for Square Enix's upcoming Chocobo's Dungeon have started in the US.

Chocobo and Cid find themselves in a mysterious town. Whenever the clocktower bell rings, people lose their memories. It's now up to Chocobo to journey into the dungeons and retrieve people's memories.

  • GameStop Pre-orders
  • Cubed3 Interview with h.a.n.d, developers of Chocobo Dungeon
  • The current date for the game is 1st of July 2008 for Nintendo's Wii.

    Box art for Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon



    Square Enix


    Turn Based RPG



    C3 Score

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    Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (5 Votes)

    European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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    Great news indeed! Clearly that has to just be a placeholder date, but hopefully it won't be much different to that...and Europe's date won't differ much either.

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    I loved the PS1 version of this!!!
    Maybe I will give a shot in this in the future... but I will wait for the reviews first =p

    Yay for chocobos!!!! And dungeons!!!! and anything combining chocobos and dungeons!!!!!

    And Cid, of course

    ( Edited 31.03.2008 23:09 by Vegna )

    Lord of Darkness
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