Square Enix Reveals New Nintendo DS Adventure RPG - Sigma Harmonics

By Adam Riley 26.03.2008 7

Square Enix has confirmed that it will be bringing a brand new RPG to the Nintendo DS. Following the success of The World Ends With You, Square Enix has now lifted the lid on details of a new title called 'Sigma Harmonics', a name that was recently found on the Japanese trademarks website, along with the thought-to-be US name for Itadaki Street DS.

The new adventure RPG is currently 60% complete and the developer is aiming to release it sometime during the summer of this year. Hiroki Chiba of Final Fantasy VII, Dirge of Cerberus and Chrono Trigger fame will be directing, whilst Yusaku Nakaaki is doing the character designs (Dirge of Cerberus' subcharcter and mechanics designer, plus FFVII: Crisis Core on PSP), and Final Fantasy regular, Yoshinori Kitase-san is producing.

Other details gleamed from the latest issue of Famitsu magazine include how players will hold the DS sideways, like a book, it will have a Persona 4-style story, with a murder mystery storyline attached. There will also be RPG elements such as levelling-up by experience gained from battles, and so on, plus the game will be divided into chapters and in every chapter there will be a new murder/accident/mystery that happens.

Scans of this intriguing project have now been uncovered and can be viewed by clicking the images below...

Box art for Sigma Harmonics

Square Enix


Square Enix





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Square-enixsure do think of awesome game names don't they? 8)
Can't argue with another RPG meself.Smilie

The fact it's from the Dirge of Cerberus team is a bit worrying, but perhaps if they stick to a proper RPG instead of the dodgy action of that game then this'll be just fine...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Sounds like a phoenix wright rpg Smilie

Well initially, I thought it was some sort of music-simulator from the name, but then again I thought "Soma Bringer" would be some sort of interactive diet plan...

But any game whose description has a reference to the Persona series gets bumped stright to the top of my list Smilie

Interesting...I'll definitely follow it. It sounds like some music game though, Harmonics.

Looks pretty cool from those scans, that's for sure!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

SE does know how to pick odd names, thats for sure. Still, I don't know if there's an SE game I dislike, which alone makes this one promising

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