Master System Confirmed for US Virtual Console

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.03.2008 4

Sega's first home-console in the West, Mater System, will be heading to the Virtual Console service.

According to MTV Multiplayer, the Wii's virtual console service will soom be updated with Sega's first Western entry into the home-console market - the Master System SG-1000 Mark III.

"WonderBoy" and "Fantasy Zone" will be available for the rock-bottom price of 400 Wii Points (100 points cheaper than formerly thought), but they have yet to be dated.

The system gave birth other classics like the Alex Kidd series, Ninja Gaiden and Wonderboy.

It's strange to see a console that once was designed to compete with Nintendo's first Western release appearing on Nintendo's fifth home console 20 years later.

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Good to see the MS getting lower priced games. Now will that be the same over here?Smilie

Phoenixus said:
Good to see the MS getting lower priced games. Now will that be the same over here?Smilie

Hope so, MSys brings back so many memories for me Smilie Got the lil' baby at my mum's - played it a bit last year, needs a good dusting down!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Wonderboy! Smilie

Fantastic! It's about time. lol Now how about sending those other systems our way soon, Nintendo! Smilie Smilie Plus Game Boy & Game Boy Color. Smilie

Ninja Gaiden? Don't you mean Shinobi? I don't recall Ninja Gaiden being released on the Master System.

Speaking of which, I gotta go pick up Dragon Sword. w00t!

Chance favors the prepared mind.

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