Charges for Final Fantasy WiiWare Extras

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.03.2008 10

Square Enix has announced additional charges for content in the WiiWare debut title Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King.

Although players have to pay to download the standard game, additional charges for new races, costumes etc have been revealed. According to the folks over at Siliconera, to use other races like Yukes, Lilties or Selkies, players will need to shell out some Wii points to download buildings for them.

The company has yet announced prices for each individual download, but the range is said to fall between 100 - 300 points ($1 - $3).

Box art for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King

Square Enix


Square Enix





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It was kind of inevitable...Bandai Namco's Mojipittan is the same, with people having to pay for extra boards in the puzzle game. At least the extras are cheap.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses


Sounds reasonable I guess. Just depends on the extras themselves. In FF:CC\'s case, new races for $1-3 sounds pretty good.

Though unless the game was really good, I personally wouldn\'t pay for any extras at all.

( Edited 25.03.2008 14:35 by mOojc )

Not bad pricing, I expected 500 to be the minimum. Smilie

Reasonable prices.

I guess this is the future of gaming now though, huh? Paying for extras online.

Anyone think paying for extras will become more popular over time?

omg, the first confirmed DLC for Wii!

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

Azzy said:
Reasonable prices.

I guess this is the future of gaming now though, huh? Paying for extras online.

Anyone think paying for extras will become more popular over time?

Probably, especially if it means releasing new content occasionally and getting money from games the initial purchase. With consoles connected to the net, and the whole service relying on points to begin with, will probably grow over time.

Developers will probably stagger content too - like perhaps release the basic shell, make some downloadables, and say "newly released pack!" even though it were made during the game's original development!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Ah fuck...I can't believe they're going to make us pay more. I'm sure we'll end up paying the same for a full price game in the end once we buy all the classes and what not.

Well at least we know DC is now possible. So why the fuck is Rock Band not online???

Azzy said:
Reasonable prices.

I guess this is the future of gaming now though, huh? Paying for extras online.

Anyone think paying for extras will become more popular over time?

I think so.

tiamat1990 said:
Ah fuck...I can't believe they're going to make us pay more. I'm sure we'll end up paying the same for a full price game in the end once we buy all the classes and what not.

Well at least we know DC is now possible. So why the fuck is Rock Band not online???

I'd say a combo of memory restriction and bone-idol laziness. It is practically a PS2 port after all.Smilie

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