WiiWare Launch for May in Euro/AUS?

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.03.2008 11

Today's Wii system update confirms Nintendo of Europe/Australia getting ready to update the Wii Shop for WiiWare.

The message accompanying the system update in both regions state that "this update features support for the WiiWare download service planned for May 2008."

The US equivalent is slightly different: "An update to your Wii Shop Channel is now available. This update is needed in order to access WiiWare games launching later this spring."

Nintendo have yet to officially announce a date for the service launch, but with system updates already confirming May as a time to put on your downloading hats, it does seem likely for a release around then.

Thanks to C3 reader iFrit for the tip.

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sweet, tetris here i come.

that means what happens to america?
I have an american wii :'(

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Wonderful! Hopefully this will be the case and we will get WiiWare before America. Its not enough to make up for Brawl but its a start.

Hmm, so it won't be called 'Wii Software' instead of Wiiware over here then? Goody.Smilie

I did the update last night thinking i was gonna be downloading wiiware, im so stupid.

America gets WiiWare on May 12. its in the new Nintendo Power.Smilie

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

ours may come in aprilSmilie


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I'm ready for some Final Fantasy and Tetris loving.

I'm actually quite excited by WiiWare.

There is real scope for some very impressive, original titles. As long as the pricing is right this will be a huge success for Nintendo.

It's being released in May in the US too.

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