Former Nintendo Executive Pushing Microsoft in Europe

By Adam Riley 20.03.2008 11

David Gosen, formerly of Nintendo and I-Play, has now joined the ranks over at Microsoft as Vice President of Strategic Marketing in Europe. Gosen will be helping to push the Xbox 360 as much as possible following the system's recent price drop, aiming to capture the mass-market like Nintendo has done.

Following the recent hardware price drop, Gosen will help drive the manufacturer's determined push to reach the mass-market consumer in the region.

"I'm very excited to be part of Microsoft IEB at this key stage in the gaming industry. Xbox 360 is now a mass-market gaming console, and with the recent ERP reduction we're poised to open the market for Xbox 360 even wider. The content portfolio goes from strength to strength and is providing compelling experiences for a broader audience, and the titles we have coming up are massively appealing."
- David Gosen, talking after being newly appointed to Microsoft.

"We're very happy to welcome David to the Microsoft IEB leadership team. We recently re-aligned to combine laser-sharp focus with strong industry and consumer marketing experience. With David leading strategic marketing, Phil Spencer leading MGS in Europe, and Richard Teversham as business and strategy director, we are in a great position to leverage Xbox 360's European success to further widen the market for Xbox as a mass-market proposition."
- Chris Lewis, VP of Xbox 360 in Europe.

With not only experience as CEO of I-play and Managing Director of Nintendo Europe, Gosen also has experience at BSkyB, Pepsico and Coca-Cola & Schweppes Beverages, clearly he will be a force to be reckoned with...

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Traitor we must find him, show him the error of his ways and then slay him.

Gosen won't be that much help with the casual market side of things, seeing as how he left Nintendo before they got the Brain Training bug.

Meh, good luck to him I suppose.

Wow. He's a consumer product manager whore.

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

I've got the sniper rifle ready.

He'll wish that he was back at Nintendo with all the money they are making now. Smilie


Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

edracon said:
I've got the sniper rifle ready.
i've already sent out my ninjas after him... I'm personally siting out side his house with my katanna at the moment...

He must be hoping the bring about the same level of success that the Gamecube enjoyed in Europe, and to tighten up that PAL release schedule Nintendo of Europe style.

What a fucking muppet. Why is he in a job at all?

Nintendo of Europe employees Aren't People. They are literally from another planet.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Crumbley said:
He must be hoping the bring about the same level of success that the Gamecube enjoyed in Europe, and to tighten up that PAL release schedule Nintendo of Europe style.

What a fucking muppet. Why is he in a job at all?

Nintendo of Europe employees Aren't People. They are literally from another planet.

I second that

*watches xbox brand shares slide*

Europe marketing...I doubt that's a big blow. Now if someone like George Harrison or Perrin Kaplan joined Sony or Microsoft then shit.

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