Nintendo Takes Over Japan with More DS Training Software

By Adam Riley 24.03.2008 10

Update - The full Media Create Top 50 and hardware charts have now been released. Check out the results below:

Media Create Top 50:
10th-16th March, 2008

PositionTitle/System/PublisherSales (Plus Total Where Available & Commentary)
1.)Beautiful Letter Training (NDS, Nintendo)65,689 | NEW
2.)Yakuza 3: Kenzan! (PS3, Sega)45,776 | 227,000
3.)Wii Fit (Wii, Nintendo)44,500 | 1,704,000
4.)Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii, Nintendo)40,984 | 1,449,000
5.)Gundam Musou Special (PS2, Bandai-Namco)24,269 | 213,000
6.)Shugo Chara! Three Eggs and the Joker in Love (NDS, Konami)20,383 | NEW
7.)Daito Giken Official Pachislo Simulator: New Yoshimune (PS2, Paon)18,198 | NEW
8.)Wii Sports (Wii, Nintendo)16,921 | 2,855,000
9.)Harvest Moon: Shining Sun and Friends (NDS, Marvelous Entertainment)11,494 | 93,000
10.)Wii Play (Wii, Nintendo)11,060 | 2,271,000
11.)Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii, Nintendo)Down from No.5, but hanging on better than people expected considering the franchise is not too popular in Japan
12.)Musou Orochi (PSP, Koei)Falling three places
13.)12Riven: The Ψcliminal of Integral (PS2, CyberFront)New entry
14.)Everyone's General Knowledge Training TV (Wii, Nintendo)Sliding four places and not performing anywhere near as strong as expected given the large advertising
15.)Soma Bringer (NDS, Nintendo)Considering how badly Baten Kaitos Origins sold, the fact that three weeks on this is working its way to the 100,000 mark is a great return to form for Monolithsoft, especially given the praise this game is receiving from critics all over! Down from No.7, but it has sold through its first shipment with ease
16.)Monster Hunter Portable 2nd (PSP, Capcom)Down two places with its successor out in a week
17.)Doraemon: Nobita and the Green Giant DS (NDS, Sega)Falling quickly from No.8 in its second week
18.)Hayate the Combat Butler: Girl-Making War: Mansion Edition (NDS, Konami)New entry
19.)Hayate the Combat Butler: Girl-Making War: School Edition (NDS, Konami)New entry
20.)Mario Party DS (Nintendo)Falling three spots
21.)Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (NDS, Nintendo)Sliding three places
22.)Mario Kart DS (NDS, Nintendo)Non-mover
23.)Etrian Odyssey II: The Royal Grail (NDS, Atlus)Quickly down ten places as stock starts to dry up
24.)Drum Master DS (NDS, Bandai-Namco)Down just one with its sequel coming very soon, but still no Western release announced
25.)Winning Post 7: Maximum 2008 (PS2, Koei)New entry
26.)New Super Mario Bros. (NDS, Nintendo)Down two places
27.)Duel Love: The Loving Girl is the Goddess of Victory (NDS, Bandai-Namco)New entry for this rather homo-erotic style game
28.)Winning Eleven Play Maker 2008 (Wii, Konami)Quickly down nine as stock supplies are running low
29.)Family Ski (Wii, Bandai-Namco)After a strong performance over recent weeks, this finally tumbles from No.15 as it creeps towards the 100,000 sales mark
30.)Jirou Akagawa Mystery: Nocturne: The Invited Killer (NDS, Marvelous Entertainment)Down ten places for this intriguing mystery adventure
31.)Yakuza 2 (PS2, Sega)Slipping three
32.)Animal Crossing: Wild World (NDS, Nintendo)Down seven to possibly its lowest ever position
33.)Tokimeki Memorial: Girl's Side 2nd Season (NDS, Konami)Slipping three for this successful sequel for Konami that has far out-performed its predecessor
34.)World Soccer Winning Eleven: Ubiquitous Evolution 2008 (PSP, Konami)Down eight, but can it hold on longer than the Wii game?
35.)Winning Post 7: Maximum 2008 (PS3, Koei)New entry
36.)Keroro Gunsou 3: Adventure in the Sky! (NDS, Bandai-Namco)Falling from No.21
37.)Professor Layton and Pandora's Box (NDS, Level 5)Slipping three and struggling to beat the sales of the first game, despite starting far stronger
38.)L, the Prologue to Death Note: Rasen's Trap (NDS, Konami)Back up one for this, showing Konami is having better success on DS than some may think
39.)Kanji Brain Test 2.5M (NDS, IE Institute)Falling ten places, but likely to start moving back up again soon
40.)DS Literature Collection (NDS, Nintendo)Leaping back up nine for this long-term seller
41.)Mario Party 8 (Wii, Nintendo)Falling four places
42.)Doraemon Baseball: Dramatic Stadium (NDS, Bandai-Namco)Back up three
43.)Super Mario Galaxy (Wii, Nintendo)Sad to see, but falling five and looking destined to fail to reach the million mark
44.)Haruhi Suzumiya's Wonderment (PS2, Banpresto)Re-entry
45.)Nobunaga's Ambition: Kakushin w/ Power-Up Kit (PS2, Koei)Quickly down from No.16

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The power of the training series.

Strange that the PSP would be on top with only one game in the top 15 and no recent big releases. Smilie

Yeah Nintendo really have that market by the nuts and are twisting them as much as they can.

How many training games is that now?

it seems the DS isnt capable of topping the psp in hardware sales as of late

Baroque sold 660 copies? Ouch... Had it sold 666, that would've been more interesting.

Top games:
5-The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
4-Super Mario Galaxy
3-Eternal Darkness
2-Super Mario Bros 3
1-Super Mario Bros

psp no games, it's obvious the buyers aren't interested in the software. The new slim model is whats they want (more multi functions).



Good to see that Metroid Prime 3 is in at number 10

But Where is Mario Galaxy Smilie

..Simple and Clean..

If Sony were serious about PSP, they should be absolutely bricking themselves. The state of the console is such that the hardware is flying off shelves, but software is selling virtually nil. They're probably happy because the money is coming in to them, but that does nothing to appeal to 3rd party developers. My theory is the only people buying it are hackers and homebrewers.

Regarding DS: look at the lifetime sales. It's Japan's best selling console. PS2 was at one point, but now the nation is saturated. The DS is going through the same phase, but instead of going to 10,000 a weeks from what once was 50,000, it's going to 50,000 a week from what was once 100,000. The situation really isn't as bad as what some would make out.

OMG! What's happening to Mario Galaxy sales in Japan is an absolute crime! A travesty, I say! It's so shocking Japanese gamers are not snapping up such a stellar (no pun intended) gem of a game since it's Japanese launch and even up to this point in time! Mario Galaxy is quite possibly the best Mario adventure game yet. Smilie

What's almost as shocking, is that Prime 3 is selling as well as it is IN JAPAN! Wow. Another simply amazing game. Although, I cannot believe that it's not selling much better than it is here in the States. Yet, another travesty. Smilie

What's wrong with gamers today? Mario Galaxy and Prime 3 are both incredible games that feature one hell of ride. It seems like most gamers today wouldn't know an amazing game if it came up and bit them in the face. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Eeek the PSP 2008 sales are catching up 2 the DS.

Meh, What happens in Japan stays in Japan, they set their own trend but it never follows suit in the other regions.

Well...i guess that can be debated

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