Smash Bros. Brawl Tops a Million in the US

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.03.2008 13

Nintendo's epic collection of fighting mascots have helped the company sell a million copies during the first week of Smash Bros. Brawl.

Since launching on March 9th in the US and a week later, the game has flown off the shelves selling more than 1.4 million units. Up until March 16th Brawl has seen around 120 copies sold a minute.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl has made the leap from video game to cultural phenomenon. Game reviewers and the public alike praise its fun game play and extensive, inventive content.

It's important to remember, that we have lots more fun on the way: Upcoming titles like Mario Kart Wii and Wii Fit

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (594 Votes)

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That's a lot of Brawls. Was there even any advertising for this game?

the classic chinese guys commercials with the "Wii could like to play" was the only advertising for the game.

Good for Brawl! Just a europe release and English dedede voice and were settledSmilie

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

Amazing sales estimate and totally believable, they would sell a lot more if you were able to actually find a Wii in the US. I hear from friends that it was very hard to find one a week prior to launch and I imagine it's a lot worse now. Nintendo really do need to replenish stocks well to keep the momentum going for all the upcoming releases.

linkman26 said:
the classic chinese guys commercials with the "Wii could like to play" was the only advertising for the game.

Chinese guys, it's most likely a fake ad.

Is it even rivaled by anything in terms of sales...?

All Nintendo needs to do now is add more Servers. The online matches in Brawl suffer from sever lag.

I'm apart of that 1.4 millionSmilie

patjuan32 said:
All Nintendo needs to do now is add more Servers. The online matches in Brawl suffer from sever lag.

Hmm...I've only seen lag in one online match (out of, oh, 50-60 matches). I don't have anything fancy (just middle of the road ASDL).

I've only played anonymous match-ups, and the match making software seems to be very good at finding opponents with low ping times (although it does take quite a while to find them sometimes, and sometimes I've gone 1 or 2 matches in a row with a CPU player filling in the 4th player).

I suspect that if you're having lag it's probably one of the players' connections that's the issue. Make sure you aren't downloading stuff over the same connection (i.e., you should stop your Torrent downloads on your PC while playing...that really does cause a lot of lag). And if you're playing with friends, make sure they've stopped their downloads too Smilie

Defo a possible Halo 3 beater. Melee was one of last gen's biggest games after all.

So could this possibly lead Nintendo to believe that Hardcore games still sell the most?

*Wii Fit does twice as well in half the time*


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Cool, wish it could be in the UK sooner.

That is amazing sales!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I don't recall even seeing a commercial for this game. Then again, the only thing I've been doing lately is taking finals and playing Brawl Smilie.

I'm guessing every was expecting the game to sell well, but I didn't foresee it being this big. It's good to know that Nintendo fanatics can keep up with those Halo fans.

I have seen some commercials.... "The brawl to end them all"... saw it on G4... im pretty sure cable won't have any unless you had a local tourni...

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