Resident Evil 0 Dated in Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.03.2008 14

Capcom have dated the upcoming Wii port of Resident Evil 0 in Japan, as the tale is reborn once again.

Image for Resident Evil 0 Dated in Japan

According to cvxfreak, a retailer pamphlet above dates the title for 29th May 2008. No price point has been confirmed, though expect the title to retail for less than your average new title.

Box art for Resident Evil 0
Also known as

Resident Evil Zero









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I bought Resident Evil 0 for 'Cube yesterday. O.o
Maybe I should have waited. Smilie

That's the whole point of these ports, so you can BUY IT AGAIN! Smilie

I am getting so sick and tired of all the Wiimakes coming out.

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

Fatman said:
I am getting so sick and tired of all the Wiimakes coming out.

Well, if RE4 is anything to go by, the RE Wiimakes are pretty damn good. It's the constant PS2 ports with no effort put in that bother me... >.<

I am ok about importing a copy if it turns out good, I have my RE collection to consider.

I am pretty sure they have gone for a complete overhaul of the GC game.

( Edited 18.03.2008 07:16 by Linkyshinks )

Maybe I should have waited.

Theres pretty much nothing new in it I hear, so your better off with the GC version, saved your self a few quid.

Theres pretty much nothing new in it I hear, so your better off with the GC version, saved your self a few quid.

What did they add that warranted a Wii port? I was hoping for a makeover in the style of RE4, but there is no way they could have done it that quickly.

Dunno what they have added maby just a few wii specific controles nothing to get excited over i'd imagine.

Well I've never played 0 before so it would be great if it did release outside Japan.

I can't see how Wii controls would be anything but shit in Zero... It made sense in RE4, but Zero still has the rubbish traditional RE static cameras doesn't it?

Oh well... Zero was the only RE game they hadn't released twice yet so I guess they had to...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

RE0 is pretty dated, true. It\'s not just dated in Japan though. It\'s dated everywhere.

( Edited 18.03.2008 02:54 by Oni-Ninja )

Never played 0. RE4 was my personal favorite wii game, and still is, until possibly Mario Kart Wii and definitly Brawl. So as far as Capcoms remakes go, im pretty happy! But Japan only, no point in buying tbh.

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

Well if you really want it theres always ebay!

Megadanxzero said:
I can't see how Wii controls would be anything but shit in Zero... It made sense in RE4, but Zero still has the rubbish traditional RE static cameras doesn't it?

Yeah, I'm not far in 0 (still on the train at the beginning), but I'm not liking the static camera and controls...sure it looks very pretty, but I'm finding it hard just to move around. Smilie

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