Super R-Type and Operation Wolf Join Euro VC

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.03.2008 6

A pair of classics have joined the Wii virtual console line-up in Euroland today, Super R-Type amd Operation Wolf.

Get ready to defend humanity against the evil and powerful Bydo Empire this week as Super R-Type

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lol@ Operation Wolf, I remember having that. It\'s a shooting game that you would think is controlled by the Zapper, but is actually controlled by the D pad. It\'s very lame as a result.

Super RTYPE is cool, I may get that.

I sure hope real Zapper games come the VC\'s way with Wii remote support. I would like to see Wild Gunman, Hogan\'s Alley, and of course Duck Hunt.

( Edited 14.03.2008 11:23 by Linkyshinks )

Super RTYPE is cool, I may get that.

I would definetly recommend it Linkyshinks. It's an awesome game.

It's nice to see some decent game coming to the VC again. Lately, there hasn't been much really. I haven't heard of Operation Wolf though.


My brother had Operation Wolf on NES. I remember quite liking it at the time too.

Actually, not that oh my fucking god worthy is it.

Linkyshinks said:
lol@ Operation Wolf, I remember having that. Its a shooting game that you would think is controlled by the Zapper, but is actually controlled by the D pad. Its very lame as a result. Super RTYPE is cool, I may get that.I sure hope real Zapper games come the VCs way with Wii remote support. I would like to see Wild Gunman, Hogans Alley, and of course Duck Hunt.( Edited 14.03.2008 11:23 by Linkyshinks )

I suspect we won't see any LightGun games in the VC, since they would require quite a bit of modification to make them work with the Wiimote.

However, I bet we will see some of them show up ported to WiiWare games...hopefully brought up to more modern standards for art and sound, of course.

Marzy said:
Super RTYPE is cool, I may get that.

I would definetly recommend it Linkyshinks. It\'s an awesome game.

It\'s nice to see some decent game coming to the VC again. Lately, there hasn\'t been much really. I haven\'t heard of Operation Wolf though.

Thing is I also got the excellent PC Engine version which is regarded as the best by many Smilie


Your right for those reasons, hopefully they will come via Wii Ware. Dr Mario has with online content so it is very possible.

( Edited 14.03.2008 16:41 by Linkyshinks )

Linkyshinks said:
Thing is I also got the excellent PC Engine version which is regarded as the best by many Smilie

Super R-Type is actually a "remix" of sorts of R-Type II. The R-Type on the PC Engine is the first R-Type. The two games are completely different.

Of course, that's just an opinion.

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