Wii / DS Top a Million in February

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.03.2008 7

NPD Group sales for Nintendo have revealed that Wii and DS have sold over 1 million units collectively.

  • Nintendo sold more than 1 million hardware units combined, accounting for nearly half (47.6 percent) of all hardware sold.
  • Nintendo DS games topped all software sales, with more than 3.6 million units sold. Consumers purchased nearly 2.9 million software units for Wii. Four of every 10 games sold were for Nintendo systems.
  • Three games in the top five sellers for February play on Nintendo systems, including two from third-party publishers.
  • Nearly 1.7 million accessories were purchased for Wii, more than for any other system. More than 1.2 million accessories were sold for Nintendo DS as well.
  • "Our momentum has not let up since the holidays and we expect it to continue throughout the year. We have the industry's strongest lineup of games for everyone from core to casual gamers."
    Jammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of Sales & Marketing.

    Certainly fantastic news for Nintendo, "it prints money!" as they say..

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    Yes, I agree: Wii and DS seem to have more momentum in the US then in Japan. Sales are dropping there in favour of PS3, which starts to cough out some great games - at last.
    But in the US there is unbroken harmony against waggle\'n\'touch. I like that!

    What\'s very important to me is that third parties are selling great on Wii, too! I hope they start to realise that also...

    ( Edited 14.03.2008 08:50 by Laurelin )

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    Damn. What percent of those Wii's do ya think went to some grandparent instead of a deserving gamer? That... makes my head spin. Smilie

    Nearly 1.7 million accessories were purchased for Wii, more than for any other system.

    Remember when we first saw those stupid plastic attachments for the Wiimote and laughed? If only we knew!

    MasterStyl said:
    Damn. What percent of those Wii's do ya think went to some grandparent instead of a deserving gamer? That... makes my head spin.

    Small percentage. Tell me, how many old ladies do you PERSONALLY know that have a Wii? I'm going to assume that it's a small amount. How many moms went out and got Wiis for themselves? Not for their kids, not for the whole family, but for themselves? A small amount, again.

    I don't know a single grandma or mom that has a Wii. Every Wii owner I know personally is a college student, like myself, or a high school student. Between the ages of 17 and 25. That makes up 100% of the Wii owners I know personally.

    Nintendo may have tapped into a previously non-gaming demographic. Maybe older folks are getting Wiis, but the percentage is small. Contrary to popular belief, it's still us gamers that are keeping Nintendo afloat, not old people in retirement centers.

    sceleratus rex said:
    MasterStyl said:Damn. What percent of those Wiis do ya think went to some grandparent instead of a deserving gamer? That... makes my head spin.
    Small percentage. Tell me, how many old ladies do you PERSONALLY know that have a Wii? Im going to assume that its a small amount. How many moms went out and got Wiis for themselves? Not for their kids, not for the whole family, but for themselves? A small amount, again. I dont know a single grandma or mom that has a Wii. Every Wii owner I know personally is a college student, like myself, or a high school student. Between the ages of 17 and 25. That makes up 100% of the Wii owners I know personally.Nintendo may have tapped into a previously non-gaming demographic. Maybe older folks are getting Wiis, but the percentage is small. Contrary to popular belief, its still us gamers that are keeping Nintendo afloat, not old people in retirement centers.


    While I'm pretty sure there are way more people playing games on the Wii (and DS) that have never been gamers before, I doubt many of them bought the Wii for themselves. They might buy them for their kids/grandkids/neices/nephews/etc. But then they end up playing a lot themselves.

    Also, keep in mind that Brawl came out in March, so I bet a lot of those Wiis were going to people that have resisted the Wii before now, but finally relented so they could get their Smash on Smilie

    FWIW, the latest numbers from NPD:

    February 2008 Hardware Sales

    Nintendo DS -- 587,600
    Wii -- 432,000
    PlayStation 2 -- 351,800
    PlayStation 3 -- 280,800
    Xbox 360 -- 254,600
    PlayStation Portable -- 243,000

    That\'s a whole lot of success right there, and I do think it will keep up with the major Nintendo releases due this year. The overall quality of MK alone believes me to think there are some massive games we have no idea about on the way.

    Kid Icarus is on the way certainly!, and if the makers think it looks as good as the engines first game on PS3, Lair, that is incredible. Of course the game will be in a different style, but the very fact that the quality is there is going to show non believing developers what is possible on Wii. Wii Fit = ridiculous worldwide success. Animal Crossing Wii = a MO Nintendo Community. Wii Ware will promote small independent developers, some of which will go onto great things and hopefully create fully fledged Wii games after getting external investment either from Nintendo or privately. Hopefully we will see more great games with more creative flair and freedom than ever seen on a Nintendo console prior. I see nothing but success further along the year, despite any changes elsewhere.

    Oh did I forget Smash and Mario Kart in Europe Smilie

    Possibly Pikmin, and more likely Yoshi Island Wii. Mmm, what games could possibly drag attention away from Mario Kart as a priority Smilie

    ( Edited 14.03.2008 16:34 by Linkyshinks )

    Mongo said:
    sceleratus rex said:
    MasterStyl said:Damn. What percent of those Wiis do ya think went to some grandparent instead of a deserving gamer? That... makes my head spin.
    Small percentage. Tell me, how many old ladies do you PERSONALLY know that have a Wii? Im going to assume that its a small amount. How many moms went out and got Wiis for themselves? Not for their kids, not for the whole family, but for themselves? A small amount, again. I dont know a single grandma or mom that has a Wii. Every Wii owner I know personally is a college student, like myself, or a high school student. Between the ages of 17 and 25. That makes up 100% of the Wii owners I know personally.Nintendo may have tapped into a previously non-gaming demographic. Maybe older folks are getting Wiis, but the percentage is small. Contrary to popular belief, its still us gamers that are keeping Nintendo afloat, not old people in retirement centers.


    While I\'m pretty sure there are way more people playing games on the Wii (and DS) that have never been gamers before, I doubt many of them bought the Wii for themselves. They might buy them for their kids/grandkids/neices/nephews/etc. But then they end up playing a lot themselves.

    Also, keep in mind that Brawl came out in March, so I bet a lot of those Wiis were going to people that have resisted the Wii before now, but finally relented so they could get their Smash on Smilie

    Maybe, but that doesn\'t explain why there are people buying shit like this

    The 360 and PS3 do not have this problem Smilie

    ( Edited 15.03.2008 10:51 by MasterStyl )

    It's great to see Nintendo doing so well and they still have lots of big games coming up. Also great to see 3rd party games doing well on a Nintendo system though it's appalling to see the majority of 3rd party games are just shit.

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