Bomberman WiiWare Details: 8 Player Wi-Fi, Story mode

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.03.2008 20

A scan from the latest edition of Famitsu has unearthed some juicy details from the upcoming WiiWare bomberman, including 8-player Wi-Fi battles.

Hudson is taking the classic franchise to the online world on WiiWare, with a story-mode for solo bombing, spanning 5 worlds and 39 areas, and an epic battle arena for up to 8 players going head to head online.

  • First WiiWare Bomberman Scan
  • Thanks to Phoenixus for the tip.

    Box art for Bomberman Blast








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    This looks great! 8 player online bomberman action will be great fun.

    I am going to buy this one for sure.

    It's a perfect wiiware addition and the online is gonna rock Smilie

    How will 8 players work on 1 screen? Oh well, sounds excellent. Except Story mode, can we expect another remake of the original Bomberman? Like the original Bomberman DS?

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    about time, I think the turbografx bomberman has seen a lot of play on my wii and think this is a great idea, definitely going to get it, though I hope local multiplayer is supported (8 players would be nice Smilie)

    Sounds mighty fine! Smilie

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    SuperLink said:
    How will 8 players work on 1 screen?

    Same as it does on the Xbox LIVE Bomberman, I guess. Smilie

    Will most likely buy this, looks very nice. Smilie

    They should really increase board sizes if they're gonna allow 8 players.

    Of course, that's just an opinion.

    Did anyone notice the bottom-left corner of the scan? Is that Mii support? Heck yeah! Here's hoping! I'm getting this one.

    I will own this game as soon as its released.

    bomberman pwns.8)

    A fail so epic, it may just be a win.


    I didn't realise the Miis before... FUCK playable Miis. Nintendo have to go and fuck up every decent game series on the planet with their annoying avatar system don't they... argh. >.<

    I for one am SO GLAD there are no Miis in Brawl. Mii overload is annoying, especially since I don't like their graphical style.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    SuperLink said:

    I didn't realise the Miis before... FUCK playable Miis. Nintendo have to go and fuck up every decent game series on the planet with their annoying avatar system don't they... argh. >.<

    I for one am SO GLAD there are no Miis in Brawl. Mii overload is annoying, especially since I don't like their graphical style.

    Didn't you get all excited when you heard Miis would be playable in Mario and Sonic?Smilie

    I guess so, but I was so naive less than half a year ago. Smilie

    Wow I'm such a hypocrite. Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    wow wii is kicking it up a notch

    Seems like a perfect game for miis really. I don't see what the problem could be.

    If this releases at the standard 800 points for wiiware games, this will be a well worth purchase. Bomberman can have some awesome multiplayer interaction. Hopefully you can also play with 8 people on one console (four wiimotes and four GC controllers).

    I already have 5 player (extra GC controller hooked in) Bomberman 93 on the VC, but this looks great. WiFi and 8 players could warrant another purchase depending on price.

    Bomberman is highly addictive in multiplayer games with four people

    Aww, I would gladly take other characters from the Bomberman universe like MAX, Mujoe and Pretty Bomber over Miis. Smilie

    And every character from Bomberman Jetters.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    I've already got the 360 XBLA game, but for those that don't this will be a great buy.

    Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

    Oh man I am getting this and Tetris day one. I'm so excited for WiiWare!!

    oh wow, definetly downloading this one!Smilie

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