Sega Trademarks Sonic Unleashed

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.03.2008 22

Sega have filed a new trademark on what may be the next Sonic game in the collection.

According to Sega Nerds, the trademark was filled last week on March 6th for a title known as "Sonic Unleashed". Some are hoping for a sequel to the popular original Wii title, Secret Rings, or a brand-new outing for the blue wonder.

Thanks to Phoenixus for the tip.

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Sonic Unleashed = crap. Smilie

We'll see.

Oh my god.

I want to know what it is. >.< SOMEONE TELL ME NOW!!

Can they make Sonic good again? If they screw this up, it's going to be very hard to forgive them. And it had BETTER be on Wii. Smilie

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I'd love a mix of (improved) Secret Rings control and Sonic Adventure Storyline on the Wii. Guess we'll have to wait and see...

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

A hybred of Sonic &tsR and Sonic Rush please!

I love Secret Ring's RPG elements, and some of the level designs were utterly fantastic.

Lets have those combined with some frantic side-scrolling action Smilie
(heck, sidescrolling and then into the screen in some stages would be really cool) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I don\'t know what to think anymore. Every cell in my body says it will be crap. Yet my brain still hopes for a miracle.
I don\'t know what they can do to save console Sonics now. I quite liked the Sonic Adventure games...but Heroes and 360 Sonics were terrible...and SatSR had horrendous and awkward controls...what more can they try? Smilie

( Edited 13.03.2008 14:05 by Ikana )

Well, I'm staying optimisic about it. Just hope it's good whatever type of game it is.

Ikana said:
and SatSR had horrendous and awkward controls...what more can they try? Smilie

Apart from reversing with Sonic, I disagree 100%

It better be an improvement with a title like that.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

The title kind of brings to mind Sonic Xtreme for some reason. With any luck this one'll see the light of day.Smilie

I quite like the title... it sounds... new. Smilie

Personally I loved SatSR. All they need to do are make a few big improvements. Also, the 3D Sonic series could easily go with some formulaic improvements. All they need to do is just try.

Now I think about it, Sonic Team will probably be working on it. Suddenly I think it will be crap. If Sonic Team can ruin NiGHTS, there's nothing they can't do/ruin.

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iFrit said:
Ikana said:
and SatSR had horrendous and awkward controls...what more can they try? Smilie

Apart from reversing with Sonic, I disagree 100%

I agree with that dissagreeing.
The controlls, cept reverse, where lovely.

I think reverse would have been better to just flip around the screen and not limit how far you can go back.

"Now I think about it, Sonic Team will probably be working on it. Suddenly I think it will be crap. If Sonic Team can ruin NiGHTS, there's nothing they can't do/ruin."

I dont think Sonic Team is anything more then a brand these days.
One or two people, the rest change. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Am I right in thinking Sonic Team didn't make Secret Rings?
If so, then I hope Sega look at the sales comparison between Sonic 360/PS3 and SatsR and get the right development team on the next Sonic game, Unleashed or otherwise. Smilie

I think SatSR was made by the team who made Project Rub.... yeah, they were merged with Sonic Team.

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I just want secret rings' gameplay with more levels, 2 acts then a boss like Sonic Rush. That would be a great game.

the new sonic game is called sonic chronicles: the dark brotherhood and if you go to you can even vote for the name of the evil race.

Go Typhlosion!

not too excited to see what it is. The only Sonic game I want is the DS rpg. The last Sonic game I actually enjoyed was Adventure Battle 2.

k08lpfan said:
not too excited to see what it is. The only Sonic game I want is the DS rpg. The last Sonic game I actually enjoyed was Adventure Battle 2.
Same, the Xbox 360 Sonic was just uncontrollable and the Wii's Sonic and the Secret Rings controls were all out of wack. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle had a solid story line, great Chao content to the side, an awesome Super Sonic/Shadow bonus mission and fun multi-player games. By far my favorite Sonic game.

Go Typhlosion!

Secret Ring control were okay, but the button reaction was just odd, half the time when I jumped I had already passed my target, and the music was annoying (FYI: I liked the Adventure music).

I loved SatSR, it's one of my most played Wii games, and definitely the best 3D Sonic since SA2.

I don't know why, but everytime a new Sonic is released I get a small hope that the Sonic series can really be saved.

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Can Sonic be saved? Can Sonic be saved?

What the hell do you call SatSR then? Just a blip?

Sacrelige, the lot of it! (Except those of you who thought it was awesome, because it was Smilie)

Sonic can only be saved when SEGA make a game on the same amazing scale as pretty much every Mario or Zelda game.

That's what Sonic used to be. His games used to be rated up there with the kings. We shouldn't just settle for "good" or even "very good". We need "The best there is". Smilie

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