2k Play Bring More Carnival Action to Wii/DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.03.2008 7

2K Play have announced an expansion for the Carnival Games franchise with two brand-spanking new minigames fests on the way for DS and Wii.

Carnival Games: Mini-Golf is set to take players to the obstacle-filled green on Wii, and Carnival Games takes the action to the portable world on the DS. The former features characters from the first game, with uniquely themed courses and up to four players. The DS version is a ground-up build of the original with all new mini-games.

The success of Carnival Games is proof that the casual game market continues to grow. We are actively working to expand the 2K Play label and are committed to producing fun, quality games for the mass market with the Carnival Games franchise paving the way.

Christoph Hartmann, president of 2K.

The original outing, Carnival Games on Wii, have shipped over a million copies.

Thanks to PalGN.

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More crap 3rd party games.

So they can make BioShock and Oblivion for PC/360, but they can only be bothered with mini-game crap where the Wii is concerned? Smilie

2K is only a publisher. They don't make these games themselves. But youm are right, Ikana: they could go out and search for great Wii developers desperately looking for a publisher and finance them.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Ah, didn't realise they were just the publisher.
Still, the same could still be said for many developers out there...

And the fact that it's just more crap-mini games for Wii still stands. Smilie

It's exactly what Wii owners want, hence the massive sales.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Crumbley said:
It's exactly what Wii owners want, hence the massive sales.

'Fraid you're right....damn those casual gamer scum. :p

Carnival games is so much fun!Did you know it`s coming out for nintendio DS?I do.I pre-orderd it!Pre-order means that when It comes to stores they will save you a copy and call you and tell you to come pick the copy up.PRE-ORDER IT!

michael donovan

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