Three New Square-Enix IPs Announced

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.03.2008 6

A trio of trademarks from Square-Enix have been revealed, including what some are speculating as the western Itadaki Street.

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party castle definitely sounds like Itadaki Street

The names sound real lame... Party Castle... Sigma Harmonics... Song Summoner... urgh.

Smilie Western Itadaki Street eh? Sounds interesting... So do they plan on expanding that series I wonder?

*Using Super Smash Bros fan logic I come to this conclusion*


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these titles sound ambigous. They can be destined for RPGs as well as real 3rd-party-minigame-crap.
I hope for the best, thou. And for Wii, too!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I hope it is Itadaki Street, it certainly could well be given that name.

OMG Itadaki Street is the one WITH mario and Dragonquest VIII people >< YES!!! I LOVE DRAGONQUEST VIII, should come out on the Wii

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