Two Untranslated Japanese Nintendo Games Hit Virtual Console in US

By Adam Riley 11.03.2008 16

Thanks to Hudson and SEGA, two completely untranslated Virtual Console games have appeared in the US this week, both for a higher price than normal as well!

DoReMi Fantasy: Milon's DokiDoki Adventure (Super NES, 1 player, 900 Wii Points)
"This is an action game where an energetic boy named Milon sets off on a great adventure in a cute fairy-tale world. Piccolo is a village in the country of Fantasia. One day, they hear from the fairy Alis that songs and music have disappeared from the forest. Suddenly, the wizard Amon appears, grabs Alis and vanishes with her. The brave Milon must now go on a journey to rescue his kidnapped friend, with his bubble shooter as his only weapon. Along the way, he'll need to retrieve five legendary instruments and stars by defeating Amon's minions. Get ready to enjoy the fun and comical action of this charming game."

Puyo Puyo 2: Tsuu (Sega MegaDrive, 1-2 players, 900 Wii Points)
"The object of this head-to-head puzzle game is to clear your grid of falling patterns called puyos by forming chains of four or more same-colored puyos in a straight line or one of several geometric patterns. What makes this a challenging two-player contest is the fact that when you clear a chain of puyos from your grid, it drops a random piece of filler onto your opponent's grid. The more puyos you clear, the more you fill your opponent's grid, and if you can clutter up his grid enough to fill it to the top, you've won the game. An intriguing backstory makes this an amusing experience for one or two players."

With one being a platform game that is said to be as good as Super Mario World, with a story told by image-filled cut-scenes, and the other being a puzzle game most people know how to play by now, do you still feel short-changed at the lack of localisation?

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They are more expensive AND they are in Japanese? What a deal!


Bit bizarre that the prices are even higher than usual. Smilie
The fact that they're untranslated doesn't bother me though. Smilie

yeah, like I'm actually planning on buying it...

Great stuff, hope to see many more instances where this happens. Let the buyers decide. These game do not exactly need translation much anyway.

All Hanabi (if they are even calling it that) games are 100 Wii points more.

DoReMi Fantasy

The Bonk series has done extremely well in the U.S, so much so that Hudson decide to release a obscure cutesy platformer to see if that does well also.

( Edited 11.03.2008 16:16 by Linkyshinks )

what the hell?

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

This is great news, although expensive, we could be seeing some never before release yet anticipated games. More like Chrono Trigger and Mario RPG... or Sin & Punishment.

By the way, I have an awful game called \"Milon\'s Secret Castle\" on my GameBoy, and have had it since before I can remember. It\'s made by Hudson too, same series?

( Edited 11.03.2008 16:38 by SuperLink )

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It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

The price is the norm for imports, but it's a bit surprising they havn't been translated. Especially considering that little extra price for imports reflects the localization & translation, except these didn't get them. Smilie

I'm REALLY surprised we didn't get the first Super Smash Bros. for the N64 on VC. Smilie I was so certain we would. *sobs* With the release of Prime 3 & Mario Galaxy, we got Metroid, Super Metroid, and Mario Bros. 3, so just about everyone (including myself) had their sights on being able to download that timeless classic. I hope Ninty releases it real soon and they don't do this again with Mario Kart Wii's launch. I want Super Mario Kart damnit! lol

Of course Smash Brawl is keeping me more than busy. lol Hot damn! What a game!! Smilie Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Well one is a platformer and the other is Puyo the puzzle game, it does not need the effort and additional cost for such lowly titles. SaP was not translated, it worked fine for me :/

SL:: sounds like it, when I saw the title above I recognized it.

Mecha:: that reminds me, where is Smash 64?, I too thought it would release close to Brawl. I suppose Nintendo do not want people playing anything other than one Smash game right now Smilie

Sin and Punishment was mainly in English anyway, but Nintendo did put some effort in to translate certain menus and other bits and bobs. Super Mario Picross was left completely in Japanese, though, as was Super Mario Bros. Lost Levels.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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It's we-don't-give-a-shit bare minimum effort stuff. Amateurs reverse engineer and translate entire RPGs.

It's the difference between selling shit quality stuff and good quality stuff.

It's just re-enforcing the existing reputation of the VC as a platform of shit for idiots. It's the next step in the downward spiral and you couldn't get away with it on any other platform.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

SuperLink said:
This is great news, although expensive, we could be seeing some never before release yet anticipated games. More like Chrono Trigger and Mario RPG... or Sin & Punishment.

By the way, I have an awful game called "Milon's Secret Castle" on my GameBoy, and have had it since before I can remember. It's made by Hudson too, same series?

Yeah those games are from the same series. By the way, I loved "Milon's Secret Castle" on the NES! Great game it was.

As for Smash 64, this month's N64 game is Kirby 64, last month's was Custom Robo 2, which didn't get a release in the West. I expect Smash 64 next month.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

OT: is Kirby64 a great game?

ontopic: I don't know if you need DoReMi to be translated. I have to check it IF I buy it, thou.

And Puyo... errrr... Puyo Pop Fever in GBA was extremely lame and boring. I got it for 5 EUR and found even this too expensive for this game.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

What with how many systems are available on the VC now (in any territory), and how many more are hitting it before the end of the year, Nintendo seriously needs to start releasing MORE games on it per week. Especially N64 titles and 3rd party titles in general (where the hell is LucasArts\' support? Smilie ).

3 games a week here in the States is already way too few, but what\'s worse is that Nintendo has been releasing only about 1-2 titles per week since the first of the year. Ouch. I\'m guessing it might be due to them prepping the launch of Wii Ware (which I must say is going to major kick ass Smilie).

It would be great to have a more consistant stream of premium titles from both them and 3rd parties for all available VC systems. For crying out loud, there\'s about 7 systems available now (here in the U.S. that is) and we\'re only getting a couple a week when there\'s soooooo many quality titles available for each system. Here\'s hoping. Smilie

( Edited 12.03.2008 17:46 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

MechaG2 said:
What with how many systems are available on the VC now (in any territory), and how many more are hitting it before the end of the year, Nintendo seriously needs to start releasing MORE games on it per week. Especially N64 titles and 3rd party titles in general (where the hell is LucasArts\' support? Smilie ).

3 games a week here in the States is already way too few, but what\'s worse is that Nintendo has been releasing only about 1-2 titles per week since the first of the year. Ouch. I\'m guessing it might be due to them prepping the launch of Wii Ware (which I must say is going to major kick ass Smilie).

It would be great to have a more consistant stream of premium titles from both them and 3rd parties for all available VC systems. For crying out loud, there\'s about 7 systems available now (here in the U.S. that is) and we\'re only getting a couple a week when there\'s soooooo many quality titles available for each system. Here\'s hoping. Smilie

Thing is, the faster the games are released, the quicker they run out of games. Smilie Besides, can you afford that many games per week? Do you play through them all that quickly? Why the rush? Smilie
EDIT: And why do some smilies show up as the sarcy smilie? That\'s meant to be a roll... Smilie

( Edited 13.03.2008 16:42 by Ikana )

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