Bubble Wrap on WiiWare

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.03.2008 9

Fancy popping some bubble wrap? Bandai Namco have announced a funky little WiiWare download where players...pop bubble wrap.

Ouchide Mugen Puti Puti, retailing for 800 points, uses the WiiRemote's sound and rumble features to replicate the feeling of popping. Over 40 stages can be popped through, and with the help of a friend, twice as fast.

Based on the Mugen Puti Puti toy, which sees lads become the centre of attention as they pop their way infront of the ladies:

Ouchide Mugen Puti Puti probably won't make it beyond the Japanese border, but in this day 'n age you can never be too sure..

Thanks to C3 reader Pheonixus for the tip.

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I would totaly download that.8)

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

So is it a Puzzle game where you pop the bubbles in the bubble wrap in order or by colour or something?

Lawls @ Bubble Wrap poppin!!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Wow, ummm... Something's not right about this at all...

Isn't there another popping game coming out as well? Although it's actual bubbles...woah, big difference Smilie

Smilie Oh god...that video is just....wow.

I love Japan.


Makes too much sense to me.

When you buy 8 bubble-pops for expensive-an-Euro you get all the ladies?
Now I know what I did wrong!

Hey, you can enter any home improvement market and buy this wrapping by running-meter. meaning: You get a whole unit with millions of pops for almost less then a DS game.
Are these 8 poppings-on-a-hook for your keyring actually usable only once?

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

just... amazing Smilie

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