Tetris comes to WiiWare: 6-Player, Online and Co-Op

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.03.2008 16

Tetris makes a return through Nintendo's WiiWare - with added online, co-up and 6 player madness.

Hudson and Tetris Online have announced a funky new version of the classic puzzler for the download service. Entitled "Tetris", the original formula makes a colourful return, along with added online support for up to 6-players. 2-player cooperative allows for shared action on the same plane, giving a fresh take to clearing blocks.

To add even more exclusive play, the Wii remote can be used as a pointer, and an obstacles mode for different Tetris tactics.

Image for Tetris comes to WiiWare: 6-Player, Online and Co-Op

Image for Tetris comes to WiiWare: 6-Player, Online and Co-Op

Thanks to Pheonixus for the tip. Tetris is due for release in Japan in the Summer.

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Here's hoping it's cheap too. Sounds damn good.Smilie

Awesome! I love Tetris!! I dont understand why wiiware titles are getting added online bonuses and VC isn't. Nintendo need to sort their priorities out.

Tetris Wii sounds damn good, nice to see it as a WiiWare download as opposed to some fully-blown product . I think it will sell more as this download.

Topguy4 said:
Awesome! I love Tetris!! I dont understand why wiiware titles are getting added online bonuses and VC isn't. Nintendo need to sort their priorities out.

I think it's because they want to keep the games as they were in their entirety - i.e. same graphics, modes etc. Hopefully with WiiWare, modified VC games can come out, or at least some kinda patch/mods.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Not for me, although I am keen on some of Hudson\'s other Wii Ware titles. If a new version was made by Nintendo I would be more keen on attaining a definitive version as I did not get the DS game. This looks far too plain looking and lacks any charm I can see, even Angel Solitaire looks better and is probably more fun.

Dr Mario, Star Soldier R, and FFCC: My Life as a King all look great on Wii Ware, the rest looks like tack as far as the launch titles are concerned.

( Edited 11.03.2008 15:17 by Linkyshinks )

Topguy4 said:
Awesome! I love Tetris!! I dont understand why wiiware titles are getting added online bonuses and VC isn't. Nintendo need to sort their priorities out.

The VC is a gaming museum. Fabulous (and not so fabulous) relics preserved in their original form (or as near as possible). Perhaps the Wiiware channel will see updates to classic titles instead though?

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

dude, that is awesome!Smilie

A fail so epic, it may just be a win.

Tetris? Never heard of it.

A summer release. Because a Tetris game is really really much work. Smilie

MAN... Its the same shit over and over and over again... sequel after sequel... this game needs a story line /sarcasm!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

I hope it has items like Tetris DS had. I thought they were a great addition to the Tetris Series.

Hasn't most of the WiiWare been free so far? I havn't checked in forever. Anyway if it is free that'd be awesome. I hope this turns out good and the 6 player mode is gonna be insane.

Oh shit I am SO buying this!!! I can't wait to kick some ass online! Man WiiWare is going to be insane!

Oh and man that co-op mode looks like so much fun! I can't believe no one's though of that before. My dad's credit card bil is going to skyrocket Smilie

I hope its free!
I am totally getting this sexy game

My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

Yes, I am so buying this, too! Awesome. Playing online with my friends being 600 km away and having the Tetris feeling coming up again is great.
I loved Tetris on Gameboy a lot. Want to play it again!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Now this is what I need.

It is about time we saw Tetris on the Wii, and with co-op clearing nonetheless! Also, as wiiware, it will actually be affordable as compared to a packaged product.

Now I'm just hoping that we eventually see Ms. Pac-Man (SNES or Genesis) so that I can have a nice collection of classic co-op titles on the Wii.

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