Elebits Coming to Nintendo DS?

By Adam Riley 11.03.2008 4

According to a new retailer database listing, it seems that Elebits 2 may be coming to the Nintendo DS, rather than Wii. The good folk over at Siliconera have spotted Gamefly currently has a listing for a sequel to Konami's Wii launch title, except coming in portable format instead and due for release as soon as 30th August in the US.

Whilst nothing has yet been confirmed, it was hinted at last year that another Elebits game was coming. The 'shock' has to be how it is not the Wii getting the game.

Do you think the DS touch-screen controls will be better for the game, though?

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Hmm - if true, perhaps because they wanted to try the formula on something different. Could be a good move, stylus control has been pretty so-so, and would be great to see something unique on the DS.

Hopefully if it does go Wii, it would be far more publicised, as the original didn't get too much exposure unfortunately.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

A interesting move by Konami, it's hard to know what to make of it as I have not played the original to date. I was close to buying it for �15 last week.

How's that going to work...I can't imagine. Unless you're looking at a bird's eye view of a room or something and you're touching and shoving objects.

should be good

DS controllers work fine

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