ECTS 2003 | Konami

By James Temperton 06.08.2003 1

Two GameCube games as Japanese giants focus on PS2.

Pro Evolution Soccer 3
Dancing Stage Fever
ZOE: The Second Runner
Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Firefighter FD18
Cy Girls
Karaoke Stage
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Gradius V

Well we can't complain. We knew that Konami were only supporting the GameCube with a spatter here and a spatter there but we just know that MGS will be a very big title for the GameCube and Nintendo so we wont start with the complaning just yet. We will have details on all of Konami's ECTS titles when we report to you live from the London show later this month!

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