Wii-k in Review: Mario Kart Wii, Line-Rider, Smash Bros

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.03.2008 7

This week's Wii-k in Review recap brings in new info on forthcoming Wii games, including Line-Rider and Mario Kart.

-The Ign guys(Bozon) can not connect to random Brawl matches with US version
-Very angered at the in-game communication (the lack of)
-Its peer to peer not server based
-Smash World. A hub for custom created stages. Looking to add screen shots and replays for it soon. Just requires and SD card.

Mario Kart:
-"Rubber banding is bigger in this game then I've ever seen" Bozon
-Wider maps, Slower
-You can only trick with the wii-mote
-The new powerslide speed boost is very insignificant, doesn't really reward any skill to use it
-50cc, it feels like slow motion. They make jokes about how big a joke it is to come in first on 50cc.
-You can turn items off in verses, Aggressive, Balanced, and Off. You can't turn off items individually.
-NDA'd on wifi options.
-If they were to rate it today "7.5 and 7.8"

The World Ends with You:
-You use the touchscreen phantom hourglass style to do moves with your main character, and the D-pad to do combo's with your AI character on the top screen.

Wii Love Golf
-Online mode added to it.

Mushroom Men
-Damon is Embargo'd until Wednesday, played it.
-Trailer Coming

Line(?) Rider
-You can share user content over Wifi

Wii Balance Board
-Matt went on a publisher tour promoting Ign. A lot companies mention they are making a Balance Board Game.

-Won't be counted as software so won't be in NPD.

~Matt Speculates on another game he'll be playing soon that'll have everyone rocking. Bozon "oh i know what it is, I am now very excited for 2008 Wii"
Craig "I won't comment either way"

Reader Questions
-When Craig jumped into Fran's Game, someone else was there who he didn't have the FC, but an option came up for him to add that person.
-E3? ~ A lot of publishers are not looking at E3 for big announcements anymore, but Nintendo looks like its going to make a bigger splash than last year
-Why is Nintendo Anti Earthbound? ~ No intention of releasing it in the US on VC, thats obvious. We're lucky NoA didn't take out LUcas/Ness and the Mother stage.
-Guesses?, Following franchises we may see by the end of the year? ~" AC yes, F zero No, Pilotwings not exactly, Pikmin yes, Kid Icarus Absolutely". "...and cue the phone call by Reggie", "Come on man, the rumors are already out there"
-Voicechat E3, before or after? ~ It may be later
-Lit? ~ 2 Programmers, 2 artists, Bozon is main designer. Light and Dark Based game. Zack and Wiki point and click. Wii-Ware
-Drifting Like mario kart arcade/diddy kong racing with a hop? ~ Ya, pretty close.
-De Blob a sleeper like ZnW? ~ Not on ZnW levels. Could be in the 8's. Regular game could go on any system, you just lift remote to jump

Wiik in review name change coming. Will now be on Mondays going forward... they were thinking Nintendudes, or mushroom chaps.

Thanks to NeoGAF's Mila brega for the tip.

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Oh dear - not looking too hot for Mario Kart, big shame Smilie Ah well, probably needs more extensive play-testing to have decent judgement.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer


Still buy Mario Kart - it better be great for multiplayer... we play DD here like every day.

-The Ign guys(Bozon) can not connect to random Brawl matches with US version

Err...why not? I've had no problems with this.

Sweet, Kid Icarus practically confirmed.

Top games:
5-The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
4-Super Mario Galaxy
3-Eternal Darkness
2-Super Mario Bros 3
1-Super Mario Bros

How come Wii Fit won't count as software but DDR does?

Still rootin' for Mario Kart Wii... DO LET ME DOWN!

Yeah I wasn't expecting too much of Mario Kart Wii. I've been hearing all over the place that it's going to be REALLY casual so I'm not really surprised. If anything, the wheel announcement at E3 confirmed it.

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