Nintendo Unleashes Kirby Onto Euro Virtual Console

By Adam Riley 07.03.2008 3

Nintendo has unleashed Kirby from the Nintendo 64 onto the European Virtual Console, with the title being the only one available this week:

Join Kirby in his first 3D adventure propelling him out of Dream Land and to the stars! First seen on Nintendo 64 in 2001, Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards sees Kirby enlisted to help a new friend trace all the pieces of a precious, shattered crystal. Taking him on a dynamic adventure across six worlds, resulting in a showdown with enemy Dark Matter, everyone's favourite powerful, pink puffball must save his friends from this deadly new foe. As Kirby, players can utilise his unique copy ability, gulping down enemies to replicate their abilities, or mix and match them to discover dozens of new Kirby powers. As an added bonus, Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards features three exciting mini-games to enjoy with up to three other players! This cute, colourful title is available to download for 1000 Wii Points on this week's Virtual Console!

Despite poor reviews when released, will you be picking this 'classic' up?


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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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AWESOME. Smilie Never got this on the N64. Can't wait to try it. Smilie

Wish it was a SNES kirby game tbh.

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

I have never played this. I don't like the look of it too.

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